Till The End Of The Line.

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Groaning in pain, Peters eyes flutter open. Feeling a heavy weight on his chest, the memories of what happened came rushing back to him.

"Ava..?" He calls out. his throat dry, struggling to breathe.

Not earning a response, peters eyes glossed over with tears. "Ava please answer me.." he begged automatically thinking the worst.

Pulling his hands free from the rubble, coughs escaping his lips as he gasped for air. "Please, Av." His voice cracks, feeling useless.

You know, I was the only one that believed in you. Everyone else thought I was crazy to enrol a 14 year old kid.

The words of Tony stark circled his mind. If Tony saw him now, laying helpless, while the girl he liked was only feet away. Suffering a lot more than the boy due to the lack of super abilities, he would be disappointed.

Groaning with the sudden motivation to be the hero he was meant to be, Peter grips onto the rubble. He began to push it off him, his arms shaking, tears rolling down his cheeks as he did.

Tossing the heavy parts of broken ceiling aside. Peter deflates, breathing fast and heavy.
Stumbling as he pushed himself off the ground, he scanned the room for any sign of Ava.

The room was dark, dust filled the air, rubble covering every inch of the floor.

"Ava?!" Peter calls out louder "Av, please make some kind of sound. I need to find you."

Avas eyes slowly open, her body aches. Feeling crushed by the weight on top of her, she coughs, unable to breathe.

Peters head shoots around, hearing her cough. Rushing over in the direction it came from, his adrenaline takes over.

Pulling off the large pieces of rubble, Peter hunts for Ava "Ava..?" He frowns, seeing the chains that were once attached to her hands, he knew he was close.

Moving faster, he began pulling more of the rubble off, tossing it aside. Avas eyes fluttering closed again, the injections and injuries being a little too much for her body to handle.

Throwing the last piece aside, Peter drops to his knees. "Ava." A tear rolls down his cheek, carefully pulling the girl into his arms as to not hurt her anymore.

The brunette starts uncontrollably coughing, trying to catch her breath. "I told you to go" she managed to whisper out.

Peter shakes his head, looking down at the girl in his arms. "I'd never leave you.." tears threaten to spill as he remembered something Ava said to him a while back. "I'm with you until the end of the line, isn't that what you told me?"

Nodding, Ava coughs some more. Her chest was heavy and she found it difficult to breathe. As her eyes threatened to flutter closed again, Peter cups her cheek.

"Hey, hey.. keep you're eyes open for me. We are gonna go get checked out okay? Everything is gonna be okay, just keep your eyes open Av." Peter spoke in a soft tone, he wanted to keep Ava calm while trying to help her.

Carefully, he picks Ava up bridal style. Her head tucking in between his neck and chest, she took short, small breathes. She was trying to stay awake like Peter asked.

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