Nothing But Guilt.

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The rest of the night was not what Ava had expected it to be. Liz had to leave the dance early due to a family emergency. The news of what her dad had done and the crash on the beach with Spider-Man travelled fast.

Leaving Ava to walk home, thinking about what she would say to Peter. If and when he answered the door.

She was worried about the boy. She had seen the pictures of the flames on the beach. Knowing he was there, fighting alone, terrified her.

Walking up the steps of her apartment complex, her plumped curls now deflated. Her heels in hand.

She had noticed May's car wasn't downstairs, meaning she must have been working late that night.

Her eyes set on the Parker door as she walked down the hallway. Nerves circling her stomach like a merry go round, she raises her hand to knock the door. Only to see it swing open.

Letting out a relieved sigh, a small smile tugging at her lips as she looked at the boy. "Thank god." She whispered, pulling him into a soft hug.

Squeezing her eyes shut as her grip on the hug tightened "thank god.." she breathed out again.

Peter tenses up, the hug taking him by surprise. He was convinced that when he opened the door, Ava would start screaming at him. That she would hate him for ditching one of her best friends.

Many thoughts began to circle his mind as he slowly hugged the girl back. Why was she saying thank god. Did she know he could've gotten really hurt? There was no way she could know.

Slowly pulling away from the hug, she began examining his face "you cleaned everything properly, this time right? I have no idea how you've been doing this and keeping safe before you and I became friends." She teased him, her soft hands gently brushing over his cuts as she looked at them.

Tensing up again, he began to panic. She knows. How does she know?

"I uhm.. I-I" he stuttered out, earning a small giggle from Ava.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me, I'll act clueless." She smiles softly, holding up her pinky at chest level. "I promise."

He nods slowly, carefully wrapping his pinky around hers. "How did you find out..?" He asked quietly.

Her smile widening slightly, finally hearing his voice "you speak! I was beginning to think you left your voice at the beach." She teased him, nudging him slightly.

"I've had my suspicions for a while. Since the night you saved me actually." Her gaze meets his eyes "I recognised your voice. I just didn't know who the voice belonged to. Then DC happened and the whole Ned covering for you thing. Then you conveniently turned up after I almost plummeted to my death."

He frowns, thinking about Washington. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold the elevator long enough."

Shaking her head slightly "you caught me right? That's all that matters." She smiled softly.

Reaching into her purse, she pulls out his tie "you dropped this back at the school. If I had known you hated ties so much, I wouldn't have spent all that time doing it for you." She teased him again.

He lets out a small laugh, reaching out and taking the tie from her. "Thank you, Ava."

"It's no-"

He cuts her off "no. Thank you for everything. And thank you for not hating me." His smile fades. Looking down at his feet.

She slowly shakes her head as she reaches out, gently taking his hand in hers. "I could never hate you Peter. And besides, you did the right thing."

Realising what she had done, she awkwardly coughs. "Oh uhm.. it's pretty late. I should really get inside and change out of this dress. We do still have school tomorrow." She smiled softly as she steps back, reaching for her handle.

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