Unexpected Visitor.

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Was Peter Parker Spider-Man?

The brunette had decided against, going to school that morning. She was too shaken up by what had happened in DC, and just needed to clear her mind.

Pouring her cereal that morning, Ava thought back on the events of DC.

Peter had left his room, not turned up to nationals, Ned had covered for him, and he had conveniently appeared again after the elevator incident.

Shovelling some cereal into her mouth she began to write notes. Spider-Man did have a very high pitched voice, similar to Peters.

Everything was beginning to add up. She just needed more proof that her theories were correct.

A knock at her door throws Ava off. Everyone who knew were she lived would be at school right now.

Pushing her notes into a random drawer, grabbing a knife as she sneaks over to her door.

Ava presses her ear up against the door, trying to listen for movement. She needed to know how many people were at the door.

Hearing no movement she takes a short deep breath, Ava grabs the handle. Slowly twisting it around, cracking the door open slightly.

Her knuckles going white, her grip on the knife tightening.

"Ava?" The soft voice of the Parker boy allows her to relax.

Setting the knife aside she opens her door wide "Peter? Why aren't you at school?" She asks concerned.

He begins to stumble over his words, realising Ava was only wearing a tank top and flowing shorts "I uhm.. I-I didn't feel like going today." He forced himself to look her in the eyes "A-aunt May didn't hear you.. leave this morning. So she sent me over with some meatloaf."

Slowly lifting up the plate to eye level he watches as a smile forms on Avas face.

Ava smiled widely, meeting the boys soft chocolate eyes. "Thank you Peter." She said happily before noticing a cut on peters forehead.

Peter watched as she began to focus on his forehead, knowing exactly what she was looking at he began to panic. How was he going to explain, that he cut his head falling from the elevator shaft of the Washington Monument.

Her smile quickly faded, as she stepped closer to the boy. Reaching over, gently tilting his head to the side "what happened?" Her voice full of concern.

"N-nothing.. it's just a small cut no big deal." He managed to stutter out, now extremely nervous due to the fact Ava was touching his face.

Ava shakes her head "it's infected Pete." She states as she takes the plate of meatloaf from him "come in, sit." Rushing over with the knife she used as protection and meatloaf, placing them on the counter.

Peter hesitated before entering her home, closing the door behind him. He slowly looked around as he made his way over to her sofa. Although Ava lived alone, the apartment still had a very homely atmosphere. There was photographs of her and her friends, some everyday items like pens and scrap pieces of paper laying around.

The one thing Peter noticed was missing was anything to prove she had a family. There was no photos, coats, memories. When peters parents and uncle died, may and himself kept a bunch of stuff to remember them.

Ava climbs up on her countertop, grabbing her first aid kit from a cupboard. She jumps down and rushes over to peters aid, sitting close to him.

"So can you tell me what happened now? Or at least when this happened?" She opens a pack of disinfectant wipes "I should know how long it could've been infected for."

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