If I Dont Make It.

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Waking up, Peter was in agony. He was unsure on where he was and what had just happened to him.. did he really just get hit by a train?

Groaning as he sat up, peters eyes widened when he seen some men staring at him inside a jail cell. "Hi!" The cheery Dutchman startled Peter. "Where am I..?" Peter asks confused once he heard the accent.

"Munciple holding centre." The second cheery Dutchman joined the conversation. "They said they found you unconscious at the train yard, very dangerous."

"We gave you the shirt because you seemed cold" the third and final cheery Dutchman also decided to join the conversation.

Peter smiled a little, feeling thankful that they had decided to take care of him. "Thanks. You guys are nice, and speak very good English." Peter commented.

"Welcome to the Netherlands." The trio announced as peters mouth dropped open. "I'm in the netherlands?!"

Peter panics when the events of the night before hit him almost as hard as that train. Suddenly he realised how in danger his friends were in. Jumping up, rushing over to the cell as he squished the lock, rushing out of the cell.

Escaping the 'Jail' he was in, Peter found himself at a market. "Hello, excuse me.." Peter brings the attention of an older man to himself. "Could I possibly, borrow your phone?"

"Yes." The older man states with a smile, handing over the phone.

Hesitation looms as Peter takes the phone, dialling Happy's number. "Everyone is so nice here.." he sighs "okay, okay, please pick up. Hey! Hey.. I messed up and I uh- I need a ride." Peter looks around "where am I? Uh.. where am I sir?" Peter asks the older gentleman

"It's Broek op Langedijk" the man replies, leaving Peter puzzled. Peter gently pushed the phone towards the man for him to tell happy where he was.

"Thank you." Peter thanks as he handed the phone back over, making his way to a field to meet happy.


The helicopter lands in the field as happy emerged from the entrance. "Peter? Are you okay?" He questions, a hint of worry in his tone as he began to make his way towards him.

"Happy?! Is it really you?" Peter hesitantly began to walk towards him.

Scrunching his face up, happy was confused "is it me? Of course it's me."

Raising his hands to stop happy from getting too close "stop! Tell me something only you would know" Peter began to freak out.

"Only I would know..." happy thinks "Uh, you.. remember when we went to Germany? You pay-per-viewed a video in your room? They didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk. And you didn't know how I knew-" happy rambled on

Instantly interrupting him from saying anymore Peter sighs in relief "okay, okay, fine! It's you.. it's you." Peter rushes over, wrapping his arms around happy "I'm so glad it's you."

"Peter, you have to tell me what is going on here." Happy hugs the boy back, really confused.

Getting onto the plane, happy sits behind Peter as he began to tend to peters wounds. The silence filling the plain and Peters disappointment soon followed. Tensing, Peter was uncomfortable and in pain as happy helped him.

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