An Eye For An Eye.

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The thoughts of her sister possibly escaping the red room had been consuming Ava's mind for days now.

Between that and the brunette being convinced she recognised Spider-Mans voice, Ava had completely lost her focus.

This didn't go unnoticed.

"Ava. Hey girl come back to us." Liz waved her soft hands in front of her eyes, snapping Ava back into reality.

Feeling the cold dull breeze, looking around to see she was sitting on the bleachers with her friends as the rest of the class partook in Gym, she tried to distract her mind.

"Now, see, for me it would be F Thor.. marry iron man and kill hulk." Betty Brant stated, fiddling with her blonde locks.

"What about Spider-Man?" Gwen asked, leaning forward. she was intrigued what her friends thought of the new vigilante.

This visibly peaked Ava's interest as she became more engaged to the conversation, unaware they had also peaked the interest of two other boys in the gym.

"did you guys see the bank security cams on YouTube? He fought off like four guys." Ava leaned closer to her friends.

Mj raised an eyebrow at her "oh my god." She chucked "crushing on Spider-Man Ava?"

Ava scrunched her nose, opening her mouth to talk.

"I have to agree with Ava." Liz places her hand on her shoulder "I bet he is super hot under the mask."

"Oh, gross." Betty scrunched her face in disgust "he's probably like 30" she lets out a laugh.

Gwen smiles, looking over at her two best friends "you guys don't even know what he looks like."

"Yeah, what if he's like, seriously burnt?" Betty added.

Liz looks at Ava before looking back to the rest of the group "we wouldn't care right Av? We would love him for the person he is inside."

Ava giggled at how ridiculous the conversation had become.

"Peter knows Spider-Man!" Ned Leeds jumps up.

You could hear a penny drop in that room, the second those words left Ned's lips.

"No, I don't." Peter jumps up after his friend, quickly explaining himself "no. I-I mean.." he stumbles over his words nervously.

Peter was panicking, nobody could know he was linked to Spider-Man. Someone could work it out and his identity could be exposed. Mr stark would not be happy.

His best friend Ned comes to the rescue again "They're friends." He stated with confidence.

A thump from over by the ropes is heard as a new voice enters the conversation "yeah, like how coach Wilson and captain America are friends." Flash scoffed.

Ava's eyes darted from Flash, to Ned, to her friends, and back to Peter. The look on his face; making Ava feel pity for the boy.

"I've met him. Yeah." Peter pauses "a couple of times. But it's.. through the stark internship." He explains nervously, avoiding looking in Ava's direction.

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