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   After leaving the coat island and surviving the marine attack once again you are headed towards a new island. This time the the log pose is showing the way to the sky. Everyone seems to be confused by it. You chill at the dock sun bathing as the others are doing their normal tasks. You had to clean the dock which you already did. You and Sanji haven't talked that much after the ship thing. You didn't know was it just a normal thing for Sanji to do something like that. It also bothered you how Sanji talked to Nami as he ignored you. You weren't going to let him change your mood.

Zoro had given you a lot of attention because you both liked training. He teached you many sword styles but you still didn't learn them. Also spending evening with Usopp, Luffy and Chopper started become even more fun. They always made you laugh. Talking with Robin and Nami before sleep helped also getting your mind off Sanji.

You arrive to a new island named Jaya. It's a small island with a town. You, Nami, Luffy and Zorro decide to go look for essentials. You go change into better clothes. You end up wearing a orange cropped tank top and shorts with white leather boots. You walk next to Sanji as you get off the ship. You look back and see Sanji smoking a cigarette and looking at you. You give a smile and turn your head back looking at Zoro and laughing at his joke.

As you get to the town you go your own way looking for clothes. You finally decide to spend the money you saved in Alabasta. You find cute bikinis and shoes you buy. You also find a orange culinary knife set. You look at the price tag and bite your tongue.
"50 000 berries!"
You yell quietly.
"Ohhh yes the knife set. Its a real treasure for cooks all over the world. I can lower the price to 40 000 berriers if you'd like".
You look at the set and think about Sanji. "Should I?"
you think to yourself.
"Okay deal"
you smile. You walk out the store with your bags and come across a tavern.

You walk in and see shady looking people. A blonde scary looking tall man walks up to you.
"Arent you pretty"
he lifts your chin and looks at your face. You turn your head.
"Rude to touch a woman without even offering her a drink".
The man laughs
"I'm Bellamy and i'd love to offer you a drink". You look at him see that he's bad trouble. "Great"
you walk to the bartender.
"I'll have the most expensive whiskey you have."
Bellamy sits next to you
"ohh expensive taste. I'll have the same thing". You smile at him and sit down.
"I'm y/n nice to meet you."
"You look like you aren't around here"
he says.
"Yeah I'm actually from Alabasta"
he looks shocked.
"Then why are you here?"
he asks.
"I joined a pirate crew some time ago"
you answer. He laughs loudly as his crew mate look at you. You take a sip of your drink
"whats so funny"
you ask.
"Oh you're not a pirate look at you petite body you wouldn't even know how to throw a punch. "
You start to cough.
"Mmm lets see about that"
you stand up and punch the man behind you. The man falls on the floor unconscious. You take your bags and sprint out with your drink. You feel the other ones running after you. You loose them as you run between buildings.

You run to your ship and climb up. You lean on the ship as you catch your breath. Sanji walks out of the kitchen to see who came.
"Why are you so out of breath"
He asks you. You offer the whiskey to him and laugh
"wanna taste?"
He looks at you with serious eyes
"what did you do".
You notice how serious he is
"nothing a guy asked to buy me a drink and I said yes and it escalated and I punched one of his men and ran out."
He walks up to you and pulls you up. You puts his hands on the side of your upper arms.
"Do you usually accept drinks from men like that?"
You were shocked with the tone and eyes he was speaking to you with.
"No Sanji you got it all wrong."
"Really. Do I?"
He asks you and turns around. He lights up his cigarette and takes a hit.
"I think I got all correct"
he says.
"Sanji what the fuck. You cant talk to me like that and think that I'm that kind of girl after you've been ignoring me for idk even know for how many days. Did you just wanna fuck me and forget all about it right after. Maybe its better that Chopper interrupted us"
you say angrily.

"y/n I'm sorry"

he says as he walks to the kitchen closing the door behind him. He slams his hand on the table in anger and grits his teeth. You take a deep breath and start walking towards the kitchen door. You open it quickly and walk past Sanji quickly. You were shaking with anger as you run to your room. You slam the door close and change into training clothes. You walk on the deck and start lifting with Zoro's equipment.

Hours started to go by and the others where still not back at the ship. You are sitting at the deck reading. Sanji walks up to you and brings you a drink . You didn't want to seem petty so you grab it and take a sip. He walks off and slams the kitchen door. You hadn't exchanged words until he walks out of the kitchen
"Hey y/n are you hungry? You haven't eaten in hours."
He yells at you worried. You didn't want to be angry anymore
"No I'm fine for now."
You hear him take a heavy breath and walk up to you
"I'm serious you haven't eaten yet please request something or I'll make something and shove it down your troat."
You laugh at him
"make something with veggies and meat"
you answer as you smile at him. He smiles back and lights a cigarette as he turn his back facing you.
"Your request is my demand m'lady"
he says as he walks to the kitchen.

Sometime goes by and he brings you a steak with veggies in a heart and a wine glass. He opens the bottle and pours it in your glass. "The finest wine for the finest woman in my life."
You laugh and take a sip of the wine.
"Mmm it's actually good wine. Where did you get it?"
"I might've stolen it from your fathers wine cellar"
he admits and places the bottle on the table. You take another sip and dig into the steak "Fuck it's good"
you say as you take another bite. Sanji laughs as he walks away.
"Thank you love cook"
you yell at him flirting.

         Suddenly Luffy, Zoro and Nami come back. Luffy and Zoro are beaten up. You run up to them worried and help them get on the ship. "What happened?!"
You ask as Chopper starts batching up their wounds. Zoro and Luffy stay quiet as Nami starts telling that a blonde pirate beat them up and they didn't fight back. They describe the blonde pirate and you realize it was Bellamy. Luffy tells everyone to not worry about. Nami gets angry since she still hadn't gotten an explanation. Nami tells everyone about a man who might know about the sky island. She says that there lives a man on the other side of the island who migt know more. You get ready for departure leave the town and start looking for the man's house.

You find it quickly and get off the ship. It looks like a big castle white castle. You start walking closer to it and soon find out its just a small house with a cardboard castle infront of it. You start looking around the house and find a book on a tree stump.
"Hey Sanji could you look at this"
he walks up to you and you smell his cologne and cigarettes behind you as his body presses against you.
"Liar Noland? Why is that here"
everyone gathers around it.
"isn't that the story about the liar who found the city of gold or something."
You get keen on the forest and want to go explore it
"Hey everyone I'm gonna go for a stroll to the forest to see if I find any fruits."
You turn your back and start walking as you wave at them.

        You've been walking for a minute but haven't found anything. You think about Sanji and how nice he was to you.
"Why am I always thinking about Sanji!"
You yell and drop to the ground.
"Haven't I learned already that I don't do well with guys. Y/n think about the consequences." You sit on the ground and draw with your finger on the dirt.
"wtf am I doing"
you get up and walk deeper into the forest. It feels relaxing just walking around and sorting your thought. Even though you were only thinking about someone blonde. After a long time of walking you turn around and start walking back to the house.

           You walk in and see Chopper treating a weird looking man.
you greet him.
"Y/n this is Noland's descendant. He's trying to find out if Noland was really a liar".
"Ohhh nice"
you smile at him.
"When is the food ready"
Luffy asks as Sanji kicks him.
"You ate like an hour ago!"
Sanji yells. All of you laugh as they start fighting. It starts getting dark and you are eating around a fire. You tell them about Bellamy and what happened with him and you. "Hahah good job y/n"
Usopp yells at you. You felt better after everyone praised you for sticking up for yourself. As the topics chamge quickly everyone starts getting more and more tired. In no time everyone fell asleep around the campfire. You fell asleep next to Sanji. His arm was holding your waist and pulling you closer to him. It felt comforting.

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