𝐼'𝓂 𝒶𝒹𝒹𝒾𝒸𝓉𝑒𝒹

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The wind blows on your hair making it move in sync with the cold breeze. You stand on top of the rocket man as you watch the battle scene infront of you. Usopp decided to do some improvements on your nunchucks quickly so you were really just waiting for him to finish. As you step into the car occupied with your crewmates Usopp runs up to you.
"Y/n! I didn't have time to do much but I managed to hide hidden staff blade on one of the handle. It also has a flame dial on the other handle. You can activate them by pressing a button on the opposite handle. Be careful with it. It has just been charged so the flame will be big."
You look at the nunchucks in your hands amazed. You pull Usopp into a tight hug quickly.
"Thank you Usopp!"
As you let him go you feel Sanji's presence behind you.
"Why don't you give them a try"
Sanji says outloud as everyone cheers around you wanting to see you use them. You grab the flame handle as you twirl them over your head. You press the button catching the bottom of the handle. The blade quickly got out shining from sharpness.
"Wooow y/n! I didn't know you could do that"
Luffy cheers at you. You laugh
"My dad actually taught me when I was little."

Your time to march in starts getting closer and closer. You take a deep breath as you look out at the island.
"Where's Luffy?"
You hear Nami look around worriedly. You turn to look at her as everyone rolls their eyes.
"Don't tell me he went already."
Honestly you aren't surprised at his sudden impulsivity. That's what you admired about your captain. You look out of the window noticing the last gate is still closed.
"Nami the last gate is still closed we can't enter yet!"
You wait around for a minute until you see a giant frog bending the metal gates infront of the island. As the train changes its course you feel Sanji grab onto you tightly. You feel the train drive into the gates making it fly up. You hold onto him as the train flies over the two front gates landing hard on the ground. You start to pick yourself up from the ground. You look around checking if everyone's okay. You quietly sneak out with Zoro and Sanji in order to defeat the first marines around the train. You jump up twirling mid air kicking several marines on the throat sending them flying.
People gather around the train to look for possible intruders.
"Impossible! Who are those three."
You stand next to Sanji and Zoro as the agents and marines take a look at you.
"Wait I think I recognize those two. That's the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro strawhats henchmen and Alabasta kings run away niece."
Sanji laughs at Zoro's description. They start to bicker while you start to lose your patients.
"Can you two stop fighting for two seconds!"
You shout at them as they quickly face you bowing
"I'm sorry Y/n!"
You hear Usopp and Chopper scream in terror as the agents spot them next to the train. They turn their canons towards the train as they shoot.
"Wait Nami's still inside!"
Sanji dashes up to the train but too late. Your heart drops as you don't see Nami nearby. You walk towards Sanji as You see a familiar looking bubble rise up to the sky. Its Nami's clima tact. You see Nami activate the thunder as you get ready to dodge it. As it hits the clouds you start dodging them quickly jumping from place to place. After managing to dodge every last bit of them you stand up looking around you.
"Wow Nami! That was amazing."
You run up to her excitedly. You look in the middle of the piled men that got hit by thunder and see Sanji and Zoro laying down. You giggle as they stand up yelling at Nami for not warning them. Sanji walks up to you and Nami as he lights up his cigarette.
"Are you okay?"
You ask him as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. He nods as he blows the smoke out.
"How can you run and jump in those heels?"
you laugh at his question.
"I have many talents you don't know about yet"
you wink at him and walk over to Zoro.
"Where do you think Luffy is?"
A sudden huge crash happens close to the court house of Enies Lobby.
"He's there!"
You start to run towards Luffy's location. After running for a minute Zoro suddenly stops.
"What's wrong?"
Nami asks him as he listens carefully.
"Looks like we got guests"
You see a group of men riding wolf looking animals.
"You have been rampaging for way too long. No criminal will cross this line!"
Sanji blows out his smoke as he opens his mouth
"What's wrong? Can't you afford horses?"
You laugh at his stupid joke making the wolf men annoyed. Sound of running steps fill your ears as you turn to face their direction. You're surrounded by marines and agents.
"You're surrounded! Just give up already."
Zoro laughs at the man as the ground starts to shake. You see Franky Family's two sea monsters as one of the shipwright riding them throws you robes to grab onto. As you take a grip you feel your body being lift up from the ground. You land standing on the seats and sit down. Sitting down you feel Sanji's hand on your thigh. You loved his little small affectionate touches. The shipwrights decide to jump off and defeat the small fry's. You make your way up on the sea monster.

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