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Somehow Luffy was able to convince everyone to go explore the island.

Walking along a waterless moat you notice Sanji ignoring you. Him usually walking next to you turned into him walking quickly infront of you. Your eyes follow your feet not paying attention to the road. Slamming onto Sanji's back you stumble back.
Your voice sounded regretful and quiet. You look over him seeing a three headed dog.
"What's that?!"
Robin looks closer.
"It's a Cerberus. They're known as guards of the gates of the underworld."
Luffy gets excited looking at the three headed dog. He starts barking at it making you laugh hard. Zoro gets his swords ready trying to attack it. Luffy stops him
"Stop I want to try to tame him."
You look at him not surprised.
"Luffy that's not a pet. It's a wild animal."
"A dog is a dog."
You're not surprised at all. You loved your captains dumb side. He walks closer to it making the dog lach his teeth on his head, leg and arm. Luffy pats his head with his free arm signaling the dog to let go. He eases his bite letting Luffy go.
"You bastard!"
Luffy hits the dog to the side making it slam to the ground. You laugh hard making your abs get sore.

After Luffy tamed the big dog you found yourself wondering in a forest. You stumbled across weird looking creatures which Luffy tried to get to join the crew.

Walking for awhile you started to sense presences around you. You turn to look at Zoro
"Do you feel it? Someone's watching us."
He nods and stops walking. A white tiny ghost appears between the trees. Luffy starts jumping around it with his hand net trying to catch it with no success. As it flies through Luffy he falls to his knees.
"If I wash reborn, I want to be a shellfish."
He repeats his words in sorrow seemingly depressed. You laugh at him as Franky also falls under the ghosts power. You and Zoro laugh rolling on the ground until both of you fall under it. Both of you kneeling in depression.
"I'm sorry I was born."
Both of you hymn in sync making Sanji furious.
"Not you too Y/n!"

After walking for awhile you arrive at a graveyard. The sight of dozens of moving stitched up bodies moving closer to you from the ground made you stumble back. Feeling Sanji's hand on your lower back made you feel assured. His maturity towards you was better than yours. Still protecting you even after your shitty secret.
"Oh you guys want to fight? I'll show you how dangerous pirates can be."
Luffy cracks his knuckles as a sign for a fight. You grab your nunchucks while everyone else gets ready. Luffy swings a punch towards a group of the zombies as a start. Franky quickly continues using his canon hand knocking down many of them. Robin uses her Cuarenta fleur snapping the spines of the Zombies. Sanji uses his spinning kick to defeat multiple. Zoro slashes through the zombies creating an opening for you. You jump into a handstand in the middle of the zombies. As you spin yourself with your other hand you use your other to snap the kneecaps of the zombies with your nunchucks.
"630,000,000 million berry jackpot!"
The zombies stumble to the ground defeated.
"You can see you've been training together."
Sanji looks at you making you see his hurt in his eyes. Landing back down you feel a pain down on your ankle. Not being able to move too much you stay on the ground. He stands up and walks next to Luffy avoiding your answer.

As the rest question the zombies you lay on the ground annoyed. Being mad at yourself and Sanji made you exhausted. Being hurt right now physically was the last thing you needed. Luffy kicks your head gently trying to get you out of your thoughts. You sit up listening to their plans for now on.
"Nami, Usopp and Chopper are in that castle. We need to sneak in without making a scene."
You start walking towards the mansion you walking behind everyone. Stumbling on the heels of your boots with every other step. As the pain travels through your leg your steps get more unstable quickly. Everyone turns to face you as you slam on the ground tripping on your feet. Zoro kneels infront of you laughing at you. You glare at him making him notice you're clearly annoyed. Luffy laughs rolling on the ground. You feel arms lift you up to a piggyback.
"You're slowing us down."
Sanji starts walking while carrying you making your eyes widden.
"Let me down."
He keeps walking ignoring your request.
"I said let me down!"
You hit his back making him snap.
"Y/n! Can you please not be acting like a toddler right now."
His words sting you hard making you quiet.
"I know you hurt your ankle."
He whispers making only you hear his words.

Getting closer to the castle you start sensing a presence behind you.
You say quietly to Sanji as you look behind you. Looking into a bush you see movement making you look towards Zoro. Zoro already sensing the presence before you walks closer to the bush. An old looking man stands up.
"I heard you are going to the castle to save your friends."
Luffy starts walking towards the man carefully.
"All of your shadows were stolen by Gecko Moria."
His words made your heart drop.
"You don't mean the warlord?"
The man nods slowly. You turn your face towards Robin in horror thinking she would know who he is.
"Please defeat him and get back our shadows!"
The man bows infront of Luffy as his friends gather behind him to bow.
"Of course we will!"
Luffy shouts excitedly not knowing what's to come.

Arriving at a big stone castle sents goosebumps down your spine. Opening the big wooden doors your greeted by a dining room. Still on Sanji's back you try to get down. He places his hand on your lower thigh and lifts you back up.
"I can walk. Really."
He laugh not listening to your words.
"Stop lying to me and yourself over and over again."
Anger flushes through your body making your cheeks red. You slowly place your hand on his throat. You get closer to his ear.
"I'd love to choke you right now. I know I messed up."
You whisper in his ear making his grib tighten. Your bickering is short lived as you see stiched up zombies getting closer to you. Sanji back ups keeping you away from the morbid creatures. He kicks group of them down keeping you tightly on his back. As the others fight you feel a hand on your upper back. As a quick force pulls you and Sanji up from the ground you feel your eyes black out.

Feeling Sanji's arms holding the sides of your arms shaking you wakes you up.
Opening your eyes you feel Sanji's face centimeters away from yours making your cheeks flush with blood. His breath hits your lips making them hot. His body is pressed against yours. Your eyes see only black making you feel uneasy.
"We are locked in a casket."
Your heartbeat starts fastening making Sanji feel it on his chest. His hands lower to your waist. You start quickly hyperventilating making him press his hands on your cheeks.
"Calm down. Breath. In and out."
He inhales and exhales making you repeat it after him. As your breathing starts getting steady again he takes a deep breath.
"Thank god."

You punch him gently making him laugh. Light starts shining in as you and Sanji slam to the ground. You drop on top of Sanji on the floor. He places his hands on your waist securely as he looks around the room. Your eyes widden is shock seeing a huge mortifying creature sitting infront of you.
"Look who we have here! Isn't it the prince and princess of the strawhats."
His comment made you confused and Sanji shift under you.
"Your father would pay a nice amount to get your shadow back."
He winks making you not know which he was talking to. You quickly get your feet under you putting weight on your ankle. Sanji grabs your wrist to hold you down.
"Your shadows will come in handy."
The huge creature known as Gecko Moria lifts up Sanji's shadow from the ground pulling in towards him. You stand up getting ready to fight.
You run towards Moria until a man with a lions face jumps infront of you. He grabs you by your wrist as you try to throw a punch.
"Ohh you're feisty. I like you."
Anger flushes through your body making you try to get out of his clutch. He places his hands on your waist holding you tightly.
Sanji tries standing up until you hear a snap of scissors. You see Sanji fall down to the ground as Moria holds up his shadow.
You watch as your shadow is being lifted up from the ground and your energy starts to run out.
You watch your shadow be cut off your body as you fall unconscious.

Sorry for the short chapter.😩 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment your thoughts.❤️

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