𝒮𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈

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Waking up to the sun shining onto your eyelids you feel an excruciating headache. You press your head into Sanji's armpit for comfort. Sanji's hand prushes through your hair.
your voice sounds raspy and unwell. His arm pulls you closer to his chest.
You cough making him open his eyes and look at you. He presses his palm onto your forehead checking your temperature.
"For fuck sake's you caught a cold."
He stands up walking to the bathroom. You lay on the bed in your misery. He brings you a damp towel placing it on your forehead.
"You're in bed rest for today and tomorrow no objections."
You breath out annoyed as you stair at the ceiling.
"I'll go make you some soup."
You smile at him making him smile at you.
"Sorry for being a burden to you always."
He walks up to you brushing your cheek with his thumb.
"You could never be a burden to me. Now rest."
He kisses your cheek and walks out of the room. You stair at the ceiling until your eyelids start to feel heavy.

The bedroom door opens as Sanji walks in with your soup. You turn to face him with your sleepy eyes.
"I made chicken noodle soup and green tea."
He places the tray on your lap. He grabs his cigarettes from his jackets pocket that lays on the floor. He walks towards the door opening it.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll go smoke outside it's not good for you to breath the smoke while sick."
You eat your soup as he exits the room. Minutes go by waiting on the bed for Sanji. As the bedroom door opens you jump up.
You shout excited until you're being pushed back to the bed by Sanji.
"Stop being so energetic you need to rest."
He sits down on the side of the bed as he plays with your hair.
"Only if you lay with me."
He laughs while getting under the blanket next to you. You pull the hem of his shirt that he put in before leaving the room. You start pulling it over his head throwing it on the floor.
"I need your body heat I'm cold."
Your arms wrap around him pulling yourself closer to him. His hand prushing your back giving you goosebumps. You start to fall back to sleep with his help.

Waking up from your long nap your eyelids feel heavy. Your head is on Sanji's chest making you hear his heartbeat. He's still sleeping. You look up at his face. His hair is messy pointing in all kinds of direction. His mouth hangs loose and his arm is thrown over his head. Placing your hand on his cheek brushing it gently. His eyes start slowly opening up. His hand starts brushing through your hair.
"Are you feeling better?"
"A little."
"Great. Want to go to a sauna? I found it yesterday and thought you would like it."
He laughs at your excited tone. You stand up running to gather your stuff. He still lays down placing his both arms behind his head.
"If I wasn't sick I'd rip those shorts off of you."
You sigh trying to control yourself. He stands up walking behing you holding your waist and pressing his front against your ass.
"Stop or I'm not coming."
He walks to the bathroom laughing.

Walking to the bath house in your robe Sanji holds you tight to his side by your waist. Arriving at the shower area you part ways with Sanji. You walk into the empty room filled with bathtubs and showers. You take of your robe and walk into a shower. The water runs through your hair wetting it completely. After your shower you grab a towel and start walking to the unisex sauna. The fog from the sauna made the class door not see through.
'Is Sanji already there?'
You walk in holding the towel around you.

Sanji's pov
As Y/n walked in my heart dropped. The white towel wrapped around her not even close covering all her curves. Her cheeks were burning red from the hot air. Those eyes of hers glistening in the dim light of the sauna. I couldn't take my eyes of her.
"Why are you stairing?"
Her voice echoed in my head. A slight blush started forming on her cheeks from my stair. She had so much control over me. Even after being with her for such a short time made me love her. Holding her in my arms every night made me dependent on her. If she tried killing me with those fragile but dangerous hands of hers I'd let her. After last night. After she said she loved me. I knew I'm forever in her clutch. She's mine and I won't let anyone or anything steal her from me.

Sanji sits on the saunas wooden bench. His elbows are on his thighs giving him support. His white towel is wrapped around his lower torso. His eyes are lifted from the ground and stairing at you. You walk up to Sanji waving your hand over his eyes. He quickly grabs you by your ass pulling you close to him. His cheek is pressed against your chest. Your stomach and lower torso are pulled closely to his chest. Your eyes widden as he brushes your back gently.
"Sanji, Is everything okay?"
You question him while you lacing your fingers through his blonde locks. Sanji's hands lower onto your thighs lifting you to his lap your legs straddling his. He keeps hugging you keeping his face glued to your chest.
"I heard what you said last night."
Your heart starts beating as your cheeks flush red.
"You did?"
"Yeah I hadn't fallen asleep yet and I'm glad."
A smile forms on your lips from Sanji's words. His head lifts from your chest as his hand brushes your cheek.
"I like the position but I'm getting too hot."
You sit next to him while throwing water on the heating rocks. The room fills up with a steam cloud that burns your skin.
"The one who stays here longer gets head from the loser once I'm all well."
Sanji laughs at your suggestion

"You know I could've won if you didn't start hugging me!"
Sanji lays on the bed his arms behind his head looking at you standing next to his feet.
"Keep telling yourself that."
You could feel the smoke steaming from your ears. You jump on top of him startling him. Your legs straddle him. He places his hands on your ass cheeks squeezing it through your shorts. He starts pulling on your cropped tank top trying to see your cleavage. You sway your hips on his lap making him let out a groan. You get close to his face whispering in his ear
His grip tightens on your ass making him move it on top of his crotch. A grin makes it way to your face as you move down to lay next to him.
"I'm going to sleep good night."
You hear his frustrated groan. He places his hand on your waist and lays closer to you.
"I'm going to make you pay some day for this."

Waking up you open your eyes to see Sanji right infront of you. You kiss his lips before getting up. Walking into the bathroom you slip out of your clothes and jump into the shower. Your fly was all gone thanks to Sanji. Walking out of the shower your put on new clothes. You put on low waisted white cargos and heeled boots as well as a white short tank top. You walk out of the room into the kitchen. Everyone excepts Luffy and Sanji is there.
"Morning Y/n!"
You hear everyone greet you.
You walk to the coffee pot pouring yourself a cup. You sit next to Robin sitting around the dinner table.
"We are leaving today. Franky said that it won't take many hours until the ship is ready."
Robin infroms you while reading a newspaper.
"I'll miss water 7."
Chopper agrees with you while eating his scrambled eggs.
You hear Sanji's shoes hitting the stone floor behind you. You turn to look at him. He's wearing a pink button up shirt with a red tie and black dress pants.
"You finally decided to wake up."
You ruffle his hair as he sits down next to you.
"I would have woken up earlier if you had woken me up."

After breakfast everyone had gathered in the kitchen. You hear shouts coming from outside. Everyone rushes out seeing the franky family.
"Strawhats look!"
They throw pieces of paper on the ground. Your eyes widden noticing what they are. Bounty posters. Your eyes look through each one trying to find your. As your eyes find it you scream in shock.
"The photographer worked for the government?!"
You and Nami stair in shock at your posters. Your picture was a picture of you smiling at the camera in your bikini.
Sanji looks at your poster in shock. He smiles at you while looking at it. He folds it into his pocket. You lift an eyebrow at him while laughing.
"I'll hang it up in my room."
"You're creepy."
He pulls you close to him by your waist.
"Only for you."
The franky family distrupts your moment panicking.
"You need to get Franky to join you!"

After a long time trying to get Franky to join and tears he agreed. You were surprised by the new ship. It was huge and you even got your own room. Franky had build a training room and a library which you were really excited for. Usopp also eventually apologized and joined the adventure once again.

back in Alabasta:
"Igaram! You need to see this!"
Vivi ran through the stone hallways of the palace looking for Igaram. She dashed through the dining hall door with a paper in her hands. Around the dinner table were Terracotta, Igaram and Vivi's dad. She tried catching her breath after running awhile. She walked up to the dinner table placing the paper on it. Everyone went silent looking at it. 'Y/n' 'Lost Princess' '30,000,000฿' read on the piece of paper.
"She did! She's a pirate with a bounty. They declared a war against the government and escaped their buster call!"
Your fathers your widden hearing about it. He opens his mouth as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"Not surprised of Y/n. My darling daughter is now a known pirate."

𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷 𝓾𝓼 Where stories live. Discover now