𝒜 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝓂𝒶𝓃

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The moonlight shines into the room creating a light beam across the room. My eyes wonder on the books piled up on the floor. A thin layer of dust covers the covers of the books.

I feel Sanji turn in his sleep towards me and throwing his arm over me.

He pulls me into a tight embrace. I don't know why I can't sleep. I should be over the moon to be back next to Sanji.

Still the thought of everything not being right wonders my mind. The thought of my father and the revenge I want to take on him.

"Why are you awake?"
I hear Sanji say with a tired and raspy voice. I quickly turn to face him. Seeing his blonde messy hair always makes my heart skip a couple beats.

"A lot is going through my mind."
I answer him before ruffling my fingers through his golden hair. He grabs onto my wrist before bringing it to his lips. He places a long kiss on my wrist before kissing my knuckles.

"You can tell me everything. I want you to tell me everything."
I take a deep breath before opening my mouth.

"I've been looking for Crocodile for a while now. Smoker told Law that he was last seen in Zou couple days ago. Of course he could have fled already but it's still a step in the right direction."

I watch as Sanji's face drops clearly not expecting this.
"And what are you going to do when you find him?"
He asks with a clearly worried tone.

I watch as he sits up on the bed. He leans over me to grab his trousers from the floor, before starting to dig through his pockets.

"I'm not sure. I haven't decided yet."
He finally finds what he's looking for and pulls a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket, before throwing the trousers back on the floor.

I reach towards to trousers to set them on the bed rather than the floor. Sanji lights up his cigarette behind me.

"You need to stop throwing your clothes on the floor."
I hear Sanji chuckle softly behind me before wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer.

I sit between his legs, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I feel him lean closer to me and press a long kiss on my cheek.

I get surprised by the sudden kiss and stay still. As he detaches his lips I hear him laugh again. I press my hand on the cheek he kissed.

"What did you do that for."
I ask turning to look at him. Watching him inhale the lit cigarette between his fingers, before lowering it to me.

"Seeing you be yourself makes my heart full."

I wrap my lips around the cigarette before inhaling deeply. The taste and smell brings back to the times when I found a pack of his cigarettes after being separated.

The pungent smell of cigarettes fill up the room quickly.

I feel the nicotine rush through the veins in my body creating instant relief everywhere. Sanji lowers his lips on my forehead before getting up from the bed.

I lean back down and enjoy my view of the gorgeous naked man infront of me. Even though I've seen him naked maybe a hundred times, he still makes me blush every time.

He reaches for his clothes on the floor before pulling his pants on. He leaves the zipper open as he pulls on his shirt.

I get up and stand infront of him. Taking hold of the zipper I look up at him. He looks down at me with a slight grin.
"Wasn't the two rounds enough for you?"

He asks making me remember how I quickly ran into our room after our little session in the kitchen. I kiss his lips gently before pulling the zipper closed.

"I'll go prepare the breakfast. Go back to sleep."
Just like that he walks out of the room.

Sanji's pov:

I step into the empty kitchen before starting to look through the fridge for any ingredients. Pulling out eggs and spinach I start loading the table. My cutting board and knife are already sitting on the table from last night. A smile creeps onto my face just about thinking about it.

I suddenly hear the door open from the deck. Someone enters the kitchen from the door leading to the deck. I turn around to see Law sitting down on the barstool Y/n was sitting on before we... did it.

I turn to him to give him a smile before continuing to dig through the fridge. The quiet tapping of his foot echoes through the kitchen.

"Did you sleep outside?" I ask him trying to ease the tension in the room. Something clearly was bothering him.

"Didn't get much sleep. These walls are very thin." His tone is stern and slightly annoyed. Even though I like Law and am grateful he looked after Y/n when I couldn't, still I can feel how strongly he feels for Y/n. And it makes my blood boil.

"I'm sorry. We didn't know you were sleeping outside." My apology doesn't sound sincere. How could I apologize for showing Y/n how strongly I feel about her.

"Don't be. I would do it too if I got the chance." I slam the knife blade first onto my wooden cutting board as I hear Law speak. A thick silence fills up the kitchen. We only hear the sound of waves hitting the wooden ship.

"I would do more than that. I'd show her how a real man is supposed to act." Law's words come out as a threat.

I let my grip from the knife ease. Slowly turning to Law his eyes immediately meet mine. "Trust me, I know how a real man is supposed to act. Do you think she'd even give me the time of the day never the less love me if I didn't treat her right?"

"She needs a protector. Not from physical harm. She can handle herself more than well enough. She needs someone to protect her from herself." Law answers me quickly before getting up from the stool.

"She thinks that she will be healed after getting revenge on Crocodile. But the truth is her hurt goes more deeper than that." Law start to walk towards the door leading back to the deck.

"Do you love her?" I quickly ask before he gets the chance to escape my question. He takes awhile to answer.

"We are arriving in Dressrosa soon. Ask everyone to gather after breakfast." Law walks out making the door slam right behind him.

I lift my hands to my face from frustration.
"What the hell?" I ask myself.


heyyy. Did yall miss me?

plz don't kill me

Anyways I'd like to get y'alls opinion on the current plot and writing. Please let me know what you like about it and what you don't. I'll make sure to keep uploading once I get yours opinion's.

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