My Assistant

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Is the most boring looking man I've ever met

This night has been a total disaster, I can't believe I agreed to come to this disgusting, germ infested party.

Iwaizumi: "C'mon Sakusa! Lighten up!" He sat not so close to me.

Bokuto: "Yeah, Kusa-bro!"

Sakusa: "Don't call me that!" I glared at them.

Kuroo: "Aww... C'mon, we just want you to live a little!" He had a smug face and I just rolled my eyes.

Sakusa: "No, thank you." I stood up. "I'm happy with my isolated life, away from germs and away from disgusting pheromones." I started to walk away, and thank God they didn't stop me or tried to convince me to stay.

I used my pheromones a little to help me get through the crowd, to let people know I was in a bad mood and didn't want to be approached, and that I just hate people in general. But I was still holding back with people who didn't care or were still brave enough to try and get close to me. I just glared and let out small growls at them, making them back away.

I went to the end of the bar to get a last drink before going home. The bartender handed me my drink and before I could even lift it, I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me snap my head and glare at the person who dared to touch me. I felt my skin crawl under my suit and I just wanted to take a bath and violently scrub my skin.

Woman: "Now, that's a killer look~" She was purposely releasing her seductive pheromones. Such a shameful woman, deliberately not wearing her scent blockers. Her very low cut dress revealed her cleavage as she squeezed her breast in front of me. Disgusting. "Mind if I join you~?" She started to trail her fingers on my thigh and I felt a chill run through my soul and before she could go any further, I slapped her hand away and sprayed her face with lysol.

She fell to her knees, clutching her eyes as she screamed profanities at me. I scoffed and stood up, spraying the places she touched with disinfectant. I grabbed my drink and downed it in one go.

I started my way out, ignoring the people around but when I reached the door, I felt something. My head started hurting, my breath hitches, I felt hot and dizzy. I clutched my chest as I leaned on the doorframe for support. It was getting hard to breathe. I started sweating a lot, my whole body felt like it was on fire.

My head was spinning and I didn't even realize that I was already surrounded by people, omegas and alphas wanting to mate with me. Then my worst nightmare came true; strangers' hands were on me. I was breathing heavily. Germs were everywhere on me. I want to peel off my skin. I felt so disgusted, I wanted to throw up.

I couldn't breathe anymore.

I was seeing spots.

I was losing my senses.


"Take my hand!"

I looked around but everything was dark and just a blur now.

Lemon and peaches scent surrounded the air; it was sweet, it smelled like home.

Then I blacked out.

I woke up in a hotel room. My eyes widened when I saw someone sleeping next to me, he was facing away and covered by the blanket. We were both naked and I felt my world crumble down. I couldn't remember anything from last night after I blacked out. I quickly got up and fixed myself. I was fast and quiet, not wanting to wake up the other person, I didn't even want to see his face, and just left.

SakuAtsu// : My AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now