His Alpha

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Atsumu's POV

I can't breathe.

I stood in front of the sink in my kitchen, still not believing what had happened last week. I honestly did not expect for Nikko to be so shameless, so full of himself to think that I'll come running back to him just because of some stupid DNA test. D*mn it. Is he really the father? I felt like throwing up just imagining that I spent my first time with him. It feels so disgusting to think that someone who had touched so many other people before me just makes my skin crawl. It felt like I was just one of those many Omega of his one night stands.

"You're trembling, my Love..." I felt two, familiar warm and strong arms wrap around me. I turn my head to see my Alpha snuggling by my neck. "Is there something bothering you?"

Atsumu: "Nothin'..." I looked down, still unable to finish washing the dishes. "Just..."

Kiyoomi: "Still thinking about that DNA test?" He sounded down as his embrace tightened. I know that he felt uneasy and anxious about this and no matter how much I assure him that I will never leave him for Nikko he just really can't help but worry. And I don't know how to make him feel better, how I could make

Atsumu: "Omi..." I ruffled his hair and he squeezed me tighter.

Kiyoomi: "I'm so terrified, Atsu..." I felt my neck getting wet. "I don't want to lose you and the kids." I could hear soft sniffling. "I don't want him to steal you guys from me one day." I loosened Omi's embrace and faced him. I cupped his face and made him look at me and it just breaks my heart to see him like this. My strong, proud, and confident Alpha looks so defeated and scared. He looked like a child that was scared and waiting to be abandoned. "Please don't leave me." He hugged me tight, burying his face on my shoulder and I hugged him back letting him calm down for a bit.

Atsumu: "Omi..." I run my fingers through his hair. "I know I could never get rid of yer worries completely... I could only assure ya every time ya need it." He looked at me. "O- - Omi..." My voice trembled as I felt a squeeze in my chest. "Ya have no idea how I lo- -love ya..." *Hic *Hic. My tears started falling. "I should be the one who should be scared of bein' left by ya..." I sniffled. "Yer vey handsome, yer successful, yer a very strong Alpha! Anyone would be so lucky ta have ya as their mate!" I gripped his shirt. I felt angry and frustrated just thinking of how much Omi's out of my league. " Everyone wants ya ta be their mate, be it an Omega, Beta, or Alpha." Even when we started dating, you were still getting so much attention. So many still desired you. "What am I compared ta those rich, beautiful, elites?" I bit my lips. "Is it really alright fer someone like me ta hold onta someone like you, Omi...Shouldn't ya be with someone as amazin' as ya..." My voice got smaller. "Who am I compared ta that?" My heart hurts. I don't want to let Omi go but at the same time, I feel like I don't deserve him. But now, all I can do is cry.

Kiyoomi: "You are Atsumu Miya..." I looked up at Omi. He cupped my face. "Who are you? You ask? You are my amazing Omega. You are the first person who took the time to understand me. You saw me despite my flaws and beyond my wealth and success. You didn't chase after me like I was some kind of prize. You gave me everything I could ever need and wanted. You are the mother of our two amazing little pups. You and the pups are my home. You guys are my salvation from the darkness I've lived throughout my empty life." He took my hand and kissed the inside of it. "You are a future Sakusa." My eyes widened as he slipped in a gorgeous engagement ring on my finger.

Atsumu: "Omi..." I don't know what to say.

Kiyoomi: "I don't want to pressure you or anything... I know we just started our relationship and I don't want to rush things and scare you off, so I'm not asking you to marry me yet..." I felt a bit disappointed but relieved at the same time. "I just want to put this on you to calm myself... to assure myself that you're willing to be by my side until you're ready... Because... Atsumu, I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with you. And I am so freakin sure that I want to spend this life and the next ones with you and only you." My heart was ready to leap out of my chest, this is too much. "But if ever you come to realise that you don't feel the same- -" His voice broke. "You can always take it off... cause I don't think I could handle you saying you don't love me anymore... I think my heart would stop beating on the spot if you do." He had tears in his eyes. He was smiling but I know how much he's hurting with his own words.

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