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The most amazing thing in the world

The next morning, I groaned as the sunlight shines on my face. I looked down on myself and saw I was still wearing the same clothes from last night, disgusting. I didn't want to get up and go to work, I didn't want to move. And as much as it breaks me seeing Atsumu and the kids with the thought that they already have an Alpha, I just can't stay away. I still want to see them everyday even if they're in someone else's love and care.

I got to my building and walked inside the lobby. I stopped when people started to gather at the entrance. I turned to see Atsu walking up with Akio and Aito.

Watching them just melted my heart but at the same time, hurts me.

Aito: "Saksa!" He let go of his mother's hand and ran up to me. Like the idiot I am, I automatically opened my arms and carried him like it was something natural to do.

Sakusa: "Hey Dumpling." I patted his head.

Aito: "Saksa... are ya feelin' sick?" He cupped my face and started feeling my forehead, comparing it to his. I chuckled.

Sakusa: "I was feeling a bit down earlier." He was staring at me with determination to make me feel better. I smiled. "But I'm alright now."

Atsumu: "Seems like you two got closer, I'm jealous." He was carrying Akio. God! I've lost count of how many times I said how beautiful this man is.

Akio: "No fair!" He puffed out his cheeks. "I want ta be close with Saksa as well!!" Me and Atsumu giggled. Akio made grabby hands at me and I carried him with my other arm.

Atsumu: "Aww... now, I'm really jealous..." He pouted and made puppy dog eyes. "My dumplings don't want me anymore...."

Akio: "It's not like that Mama..."

Aito: "Yeah! We love Mama the most!"

Sakusa: "Yeah, don't worry Mama, you'll always be no. 1." I tease but I didn't think it would make him blush like a tomato and it just made my heart flutter. "Are you blus- -"

Atsumu: "Sh- - shut up!" A smile just grew on my face but Atsu just walked past me. "Let's go, we have work!" He puffed up his cheek and started walking away towards the elevator and it just made my day.

Akio: "No! don't leave Mama!" He climbed over my shoulders and grabbed my hair.

Aito: "Yeah! catch him, Saksa!" I laughed and started going after Atsu.

Akio: "Wiiii! faster Saksa!" We were laughing and giggling as we tried to catch Atsu.

We were running around, ignoring the people who were just looking at us. Atsu ran inside the elevator and we came in after seconds. Aito jumped off from my arms and into Atsu's and Akio jumped off as well and Atsu barely caught him and I got too excited and jumped in as well. Now the kids were in Atsu's arms while he rested in mine.

Akio and Aito: "We caught ya Mama!" They said in unison.

Atsumu: "Yeah," He giggled then looked up at me. "You caught me."

We were now walking to my office, Akio was on my shoulders, he wanted to feel like what's it like to be tall. Aito was in my arms, he just really liked how I was so clean. Atsumu opened the door for us.

Twins: "Thank ya, Mama!" Inside my office were Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Bokuto already chilling. "Good mornin', everyone!" I let the twins down and they ran towards their man-child friends, Kuroo and Bokuto.

Bokuto: "Hey! Hey! Hey!" He greeted with his fists in the air.

Twins: "Hey! Hey! Hey!" They did their best to copy the energetic owl head, meaning... Akio tried to match Bokuto's energy while Aito was still very timid but wanted to be included.

SakuAtsu// : My AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now