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Sakusa's POV


I am conflicted. This is too much, even for me. I have known nothing but heartache, loneliness, and emptiness. Now that I have found something to live for, something that actually makes me happy, there's always something that just has to ruin it. Was it too much to ask to be happy? To keep what I already have and just live on with our lives?

Komori: "Kiyo..." I looked up at him. I didn't even realize I was crying. My cousin put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. "I will support whatever you think is best..." But what is best? "We're like brothers, you know that right?" I nodded. "I'll help you protect your family... because they're family to me now as well."

Kiyoomi: "Motoya, I'm scared... I don't know what to do..." I feel so helpless. Motoya pitied me for a second before standing straight. He huffed out.

Komori: "Here's what we'll do..." He went to his desk. "We're going to hide this..." He took the DNA test. "We're going to hide all evidence... And I'll have Nikko thoroughly investigated and have him removed from the picture... I will not stand by and let him ruin your family when he has no right... I'll file a restraining order on him on everyone and everything that involves you, Atsumu, and the kids." I was speechless, I didn't expect my cousin to take the lead like this.

Kiyoomi: "You'll do all that... for me?"

Komori: "Of course..." He was hugging the files and was ready to hide them somewhere. When his office door swung open and my beautiful Omega walked in with his cheeks still full of food. "Tsum-Tsum!" He tried to hide the folder. B*tch needs to calm down. "Wha- - what are you do- - doing here?" He finally hid the folder behind his back.

Atsumu: "Well..." He went to me and sat on my lap. "Ta make sure my handsome Alpha actually apologizes to his also handsome cousin." He beamed at me and I was mesmerized.

Komori: "You are an Angel!! Kiyo! Never let this one go." They giggled.

I just stared at Atsumu and I just couldn't help but think about at just how amazing he is. He has given me so much. Everything that I am now is because of him and not once has he asked for anything in return, not once has he ever been selfish and just thought of himself. And that's what I want to be to him, just be as amazing.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, he was still talking and teasing with my cousin. I didn't say anything and just stared at him. He finally noticed me and just stared at me with his beautiful golden honey brown eyes, he smiled.

Atsumu: "Omi, Love...' He giggled. "Yer starin' too much." He cupped my face, it felt so warm. I could never get enough of his touch, it never failed to calm me down but at the same time, make my heart beat uncontrollably. He just makes me feel so alive. I didn't know for how long I was staring but I couldn't stop. "Omi?" He sounded a bit worried.

I can't be unfair to him like this...

I took a deep breath.

Kiyoomi: "I'm the twins' real father." As soon as I said those words, nobody moved, nobody said anything. Atsumu just stared at me in disbelief. I glanced at Komori who just stood there, surprised. I looked at my Omega again but nothing... "Atsu... please say something..." I tried to reach for him but he backed away. "Love..." He finally stood.

SakuAtsu// : My AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now