Side Story IV: Omegas and Alphas

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Iwaizumi Hajime

Omegas, majestic, fascinating, and beautiful creatures. They are the flowers of society but not all are lucky, some could be at the bottom and be disregarded as nothing more than just a tool for reproduction and toys for pleasure. With their fair,smooth skin, slender bodies, and over all elegance; Miya Atsumu's the best example of that and next to him... the perfect Alpha, strong and powerful; Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Everyone could see that those two were one of the few who were lucky enough to find their fated pair. They found their forever, something that everyone could only dream about. ANd here, one of my close friends just hit the jackpot with his adorable little pups, his beautiful, amazing wife, his perfect omega.

Unlike me.

I have lived my whole life like an alpha. Achieving everything I set my mind to. Accomplishing every goal I set. I was brought up to be more than I should be, expected to be more than what I was capable of. Now, I could say that I am successful, not as big as Kiyoomi Sakusa but I made a name for myself.

I am now one of the big guys.

It shouldn't be this surprising to be invited for a marriage interview from other big companies. Alphas and Omegas throwing themselves at me, doing everything they can to make the deal of a lifetime. Now that Sakusa Kiyoomi was taken, I was the second best choice for them. Getting hitched with me means they'll have a connection with Sakusa's company one way or another.

I watched as a beautiful woman walked into my office. She looked like she's only half Japanese. As she got closer and sat in front of me. I wanted to vomit. She smiled and said hi but I was frozen for a bit. She reeked of alpha pheromones.

Iwaizumi: "Ms. Hayabusa!" I covered my nose. "Are you insane? Why are you releasing such strong pheromones?!" I wanted to kick her out, literally but I can't move. "You- -" She was grinning! She's planning something!

Ms. Hayabusa: "You see Mr. Iwaizumi, a little birdie told me that you're not really an alpha..." She stood from her seat and made her way to me, making her pheromones more stronger. "Looking at you right now, you're kinda cute..." She touched my arm which sent shivers down my spine. "Now, why don't you be a good little omega and spread those legs for me." She licked her lips like some kind of predator as her hands slid down to my crotch.

I felt scared, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. This crazy woman's starting her rut right now and I'm in danger in my own office! She's having her sweet time with me. Licking and biting everywhere she placed her lips on. I felt disgusted, I could feel myself starting to cry in silence. I can't believe I'm so helpless and pathetic. She's unbuttoning my shirt, her cold hands made their way to my nipple, rubbing it and squeezing it. My body is starting to get hot and I'm terrified. I closed my eyes, praying for help, for anything to stop this nightmare.

"Iwa-chan!" A beautiful man with hair colored like milk chocolate came in. "I brought lu- -" Silence. The smiling man was just staring at the whole situation.

Iwaizumi: "Ka- - Kawa..." I choked on my sob. I watch as Oikawa's smile fades. The suffocating rut pheromones were slowly being overwhelmed by something else, something more powerful. A pheromone of a very pissed alpha.

Oikawa: "What do you think you're doing TO.MY.ALPHA!" He demanded as he started stomping his way towards us. "How dare you touch him."

I don't know what it is but maybe it was the overwhelming relief that I was saved that I just completely blacked out for a bit. When I woke up, I could hear something, I could hear someone calling out for me but it was all muffled. I opened my eyes and saw Oikawa, he was in tears. I jumped awake and pushed him away, hugging myself.

Oikawa: "Iwa- - " He tried to reach out.

Iwaizumi: "No!" I stopped him, trying to back away more. "Do- - don't..." I cried. "Sh- - She triggered my heat- -" I felt traumatized. "Ple- - please, leave.... It hu- - rts..." I closed my eyes, waiting for him to leave. "Huh?" I opened my eyes and saw Kawa on top of me. Did he push me down? "Wha- - what are you doing?" I felt my face heat up.

Oikawa: "Taking my claim." He loosened his tie and smashed our lips together.

I could feel his tongue playing with mine. He was devouring me but unlike what Ms. Hayabusa did, I didn't feel scared. He wasn't overpowering me. My hands moved to his slender waist and he snaked his arms around my neck. I suddenly felt hungry, I wanted more of him. I pulled away, both of us panting.

Iwaizumi: "Wa- - wait..." I tried to catch my breath. "I- - I want to do this..." We stared at each other, eyes both filled with yearning. "But I'm scared..." I cried again but Kawa held my face and gently started kissing me again before pulling away a little.

Oikawa: "Hold me, Hajime..."

Iwaizumi: "Huh!?"

Oikawa: "Hold me..." He whispered seductively in my ear and my body just heated up.

Iwaizumi: "Bu- - But I'm an omega! Yo- - You're the alpha!"

Oikawa: "And I want only you." He started devouring my mouth again with his. He started taking off his pants and took my hands to his ass.

Iwaizumi: "You're wet!?" I pulled away in shock.

Oikawa: "Only for you, my mate." He bit his lower lip.

Iwaizumi: "Damn it!" I pushed him down. "You asked for this!" I ripped off my shirt.

Oikawa: "You can mark me..." He opened his shirt. "ANYWHERE you want." He grinned.

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