Their Alpha...

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Their stupid, flawless-looking as* Alpha that I hate so much

Iwaizumi, Kuroo and Bokuto were playing with Akio while Kenma and Akaashi watched over them. Suna was helping Atsumu with work while talking about little details about the wedding. Aito was sitting on my desk while I was working.

Sakusa: "Aren't you bored?" I looked at him, putting my paperworks aside for a while.

Aito: "Not really..." He looks a bit down. "I'm used ta it." His eyes were starting to get glossy.

Sakusa: "What do you mean?" I stopped doing my work completely and put him in between my arms.

Aito: "Nobody really likes Aito that much because..." He looked at his small hands. "I'm like this..." I could see how much he's trying so hard to hold back in his tears.

Such a small child going through something like this was just heartbreaking and I know exactly how he feels. I felt my heart ache seeing him like this, hearing him say such things. I took off my gloves, sprayed alcohol onto my hands. It's funny to think that I'm doing this not because of my phobia, but because of this small child sitting in front of me, on my table; thinking about his comfort more than my own, and I have only met him twice.

I took his small hands in mine, he was surprised at first, but relaxed when he realized it was just me.

Sakusa: "I was like you when I was a kid." Then I laughed at myself. "I still am actually..." It was my turn to look down. "Nobody really likes me that much... I was really lonely" I looked at the others playing around. "You just have to find the people who're willing to stay by your side." I smiled and couldn't help but be thankful for my friends, for these people that didn't give up on someone as hopeless as me "And I'm lucky to be able to find those people."

Aito: "How do I find mine?" I looked at him, he looked a bit desperate, like he's been searching for that one answer that he's pondering his whole life.

Sakusa: "But you already have something much better than friends who are willing to stay with you." I patted his head.

Aito: "I do?" His tears were slowly dripping one by one.

Sakusa: "You have a family that loves you so much and unconditionally." I smiled at him. He looked a bit surprised. I think he was processing what I said just now. Then he bursted out crying while smiling, he looked so overjoyed.

Aito: "Yer right!" He giggled.

Sakusa: "And if you still want a friend..." I started wiping his eyes, cheeks, and nose with some tissues. "You already have me." He jumped from his seat and hugged me, crying, I hugged him back.

Looks like we surprised everyone. Atsumu looked worried. The others stopped playing and Akio dropped all the toys he was holding.

Akio: "Aito..." He looked like he wanted to cry as well. "Why are ya cryin'?"

Atsumu: "Baby... are you hurt somewhere?" He dropped all his work and slowly approached my desk.

Bokuto: "Are you feeling something?"

Akaashi: "Are you sick? I can run down the store to buy medicine."

Kenma: "I can call a doctor."

Kuroo: "I can drive us to a hospital."

Iwaizumi: "Are you uncomfortable with something?"

I smiled at how everyone was just so caring. I patted on Aito's head and hugged him for a bit. Whispering soft comforts.

Sakusa: "And I think there are others who want to be your friends as well." I whispered to him. I looked at everyone.

He looked up at me and I assured him with a smile. He turned to see the people worried for him. He turned back and fixed himself. He climbed down and faced everyone.

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