I Want To Stay

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Sakusa's POV

And that's what I plan to do.

I calmed myself down when Alison left. I turned to see Atsumu wasn't at his desk anymore but I could see the desk shaking a little bit. I took deep breaths and made my way towards it. I knelt down to see the 3 love of my life shaking in fear. I pulled my mask down.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." They flinched. He slowly opened his teary eyes. I cupped his face and heard him whimper a little, it broke my heart. "Shhh, Atsu... I'm not mad..." I said with the most gentle voice I could muster. I wipe his tears with my thumb.

Atsumu: "O- - Omi..." He was shaking, he's squeezing the two pups who were trembling as much as he was. Was he protecting them...

...From me?

Sakusa: "I'm not going to hurt you." But he looked down. I can't believe I scared them this much. I sigh and try to smile again at them. "I'll leave you guys here for a while so you can calm down..." I thought about getting them lunch and some desserts they love. I was about to get up when I felt a hold on my coat. I looked down to see 2 pairs of small hands and 2 teary eyed little boys.

Aito: "Pa- - Papa..." He cried. "Are ya *Hic *hic really going t- - ta leave us again?"

Akio: "Pe- - pwease don't *hic *hic leave us, Papa!" They cried. My eyes widened. Did they know? Did Atsu tell them? But when I looked at Atsu, he was as shocked as I was. "Ya do- - don't have ta *hic *hic wear that yellow hair!"

Aito: "We won't pu- -push Papa aff the bed! *hic *hic pwease don't leave!" They cried louder. I was caught off guard. "Sta- - stay with us, Pa- - Papa..." He cried loudly.

Sakusa: "Dumplings..." I took them in my arms. I sat on the floor, comforting the twins. "Shhh... I'll stay here, don't worry..." I kissed their foreheads. "I'm not going anywhere..."

The Twins: "Pwamise?" They looked at me with pleading eyes and I kissed them again. I looked at Atsu who's crying as well.

Sakusa: "I am not going to leave you." He started crying harder and wiping his face with his hands and arms. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

I put the kids on Atsu again and they started comforting him. I crawled under the table next to them and pulled Atsu with the kids onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around them and whispered sweet comforts.

Kiyoomi: "When we get home, we'll talk..." I whispered to Atsu, he had his eyes closed as he rested his head on my chest, I felt a small nod.

Atsumu: "Alright, Omi..." His soft voice was barely a whisper but I heard him.

They were now sleeping peacefully in my arms. I took out my phone and dialed Kuroo.

Kiyoomi: "Hey, can you drive out in front of the building?"

Kuroo: "Sure, but why?"

Kiyoomi: "I need you to drive us home." Before he could ask any more, I hung up.

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