The Villain

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Sakusa's POV

They all expected me to be.

It is just one problem after another! I don't f*cking know what I did in my past life to be punished like this! God really do be testing everything I have right now.

Me and my Omega are now standing in a room, in a hospital with a stranger in front of us that's calling me his Alpha. I don't even know this person! I am annoyed and angry with the whole situation and no one is explaining what's happening but then an alarm was sent throughout my whole body. I turn to see my beautiful Omega trembling, on the verge of tears. Why is he anxious? Does he know this man? Did something happen between them?

"My Alph- -"

Kiyoomi: "Love..." I stood in front of Atsu and cupped his face. He was just looking down, not moving. "Atsu... Please look at me..." He started to sniffle. I gently lifted his head to face me. "Why are you crying, Darling?" But he didn't have to say anything, just looking at him, I already knew what's bothering him. I hugged him and glared at the woman by the door. "Explain. Now. Before I storm out with my wife."

"Alpha!" My skin crawled as I felt arms wrap around me from behind. "I miss you." I turned my head to see the man looking at me with a gentle smile but I only felt disgusted.

Kiyoomi: "Don't touch me!" I pushed him away while still holding onto Atsumu. I felt my breath hitch. He touched me... He touched me! My breathing quickened, I was having a panic attack. The man was about to reach out to me again and I couldn't move. I just froze.

Atsumu: "Omi!" My amazing Omega got in between me and the man. He cupped my face. "Honey, breathe..." He comforted me. "Omi, just focus on me..." I just stared at his mesmerising eyes. "Follow my lead, alright..." His voice was soothing and I nodded. "Inhale... Exhale..." I started following his lead and for a minute and two, I finally started to calm down. "Good job, Love." He kissed me by the bridge of my nose and I just melted in the touch of his soft lips. My hands moved to his waist and I just hugged him as I buried my face by the crook of his neck. "I'm here... don't worry..."

"Are you two done?" Annoyance and anger just took over just hearing her voice. I groaned and gave Atsumu one last squeeze before pulling away. I looked at the woman who was helping the man I pushed away, he looked shocked as he stared at me. "If you're do- -"

Atsumu: "No, we are not done." I felt chills. Atsu is serious again, just like the time when Nikko barged in. Atsumu ignored the two and focused on me again. He took off my coat and took off his. "Here, wear mine..." He handed me his coat while he wore mine. I was a bit in a daze but did what I was told. I wasn't stupid enough to not listen. I took his coat which was a little short for me but I didn't complain, Atsu straightened my collar. "I don't want ya smellin' like some other Omega..." He mumbled with a little cute pout while his face turned a bit red.

Kiyoomi: "Adorable." I traced my thumb on his cheek and he just stared at me. "I love you." I kissed the tip of his nose and hugged him. I glared at the two who were just staring at us. "We don't have all day, explain why we're here." I loosened my embrace on my Omega but kept my arm around his waist, so we're both facing them. "Our kids are waiting for us, so make this fast."

I can't believe that Atsumu has to take care of me in this kind of situation. I should be the one who should be taking care of him, I should be protecting him from things that could hurt him, that could hurt us. I should be able to face my fears for him! I need to man up because right now, Atsumu needs me. I need to be able to confront anything since I'm a father now. I have precious people that I hold dear that I can't afford to lose just because of my petty phobia.

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