Everything's Perfect

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Sakusa's POV

But there's a pest that just won't F*ck off!

After hearing my story, some thought that I shouldn't have been so giving to a man like my father for he never acted as one. Some people would say that I should have left him with anything and just thrown him aside; let him watch as I take everything he had worked hard for. Laugh at his face for karma has finally caught up with him.

People might think I was being kind or that there was this tiny voice in the back of my head that was telling me to not punish him so much, that despite everything that had happened to me, there was still a bit of humanity in me. Some would even say that I must've taken more of my mother even though I never had met her.

But they were all wrong.

I wanted him to keep all his success and keep up his good work so he'll see how I'll surpass him, to make him see that I was better than him at everything. I do not want him to fail nor fall, not once have I ever wished any misfortune to befall him. I want him to witness me in all my glory. I want him to hate me because he could never be as great as me.

Those were the little, petty things that I wanted that I didn't fail to get and I loved every second of it. I love how he envies my success, how he gets jealous whenever opportunities choose me over him, how he thinks he could use me whenever I enable him sometimes, and I never got tired of playing with him.

Kiyoomi: "That was until I met you..." I stared at my beautiful Omega for the 100th time. "I didn't want to play anymore... I just want to be... with you. I finally found someone who wanted me for me..." I turned to the kids. "Who chose to be with me." I choked up and Atsu and the kids snuggled me for comfort.

Akio: "Because Papa is amazin'!"

Aito: "We love Papa!" He looked up at me, not pulling away from the hug. "Yer the only one fer us."

The Twins: "Our one and only Papa Omi!" I hugged them tighter and they just giggled. I looked at Atsu who was already smiling at me.

Kiyoomi: "You were right, Atsu... This huge palace isn't a place for us. It's too big, too much unnecessary space."

Akio: "Yeah, we don't like bein' apart from Mama fer so long."

Atsumu: "And this place would take forever ta clean up!"

Kiyoomi: "You think I'll make you clean all these?" I raised an eyebrow. "We'll have maids for that stuff. They'll clean, cook, and take care of our kids."

Atsumu: "But I don't want all that... I don't want somebody else ta take care of our pups..."

Akio: "And we don't want ta eat foods that Mama didn't cook." He looked disgusted at the idea that someone else is cooking for him.

Kiyoomi: "Oh you're right! Mama's cooking is the best!"

Aito: "Yes! And Mama knows our favorite. I love Mama's peanut brownies!"

Atsumu: "Ya guys flatter me!" He beamed.

Kiyoomi: "I think it's time for us to go..." I broke the hug and everyone was looking at me. "I miss our home." I stood up and helped Atsu and the boys up.

Atsu held Akio's hand and they made their way out the room first. I cleaned up the little stuff we had then I picked up Aito and we made our way.

Aito: "Papa! Wait!" I stopped. "Look!" He pointed and I looked.

Kiyoomi: "Guess we found two things I could take home." We smiled at each other.

We made our way to the car and settled in. I took one last look at my house, a place I've been living in for so long yet I never once called it my home, not once had it felt like that. When I heard that I was getting my mother's house from the lawyer, I got a little excited and a little hopeful for something. I thought I would find a connection or even a very tiny, tiny familiarity with someone. I thought living in my mother's house would make me feel her love or anything that would make me feel like I was loved...

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