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That just keeps growing and growing and growing.

I watch frozen in place with my jaw hanging down. They won even without breaking a sweat. Omi truimpathly overpowered everyone, I knew he was strong, but he's too freaking strong! He left Akio to receive the award and went straight to me. He carried me back to our spot, he sat while I was on his lap, he rested his forehead on mine, he was smirking. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Atsumu: "Stupid, Alpha." I mumbled but he heard me and he chuckled.

Kiyoomi: "I'm waiting, my little Bee~" I glared at him and he just smiled. I rolled my eyes.

Atsumu: "Fine, close yer eyes." He did. I took this moment to just appreciate his face, tracing my fingers all over it.

I wish you didn't have to cover up your moles.

I traced my hand on his platinum blonde hair, letting the strands run through my fingers.

I miss your curly, black locks.

My hand then went down to his jaw, letting my thumb trace his lips. I leaned closer, closing my eyes, letting my lips softly press against just at the edge of his lips, it was only for a second but my heart wanted to leap out of my chest. I wanted more...

I wanted to taste his lips.

Lock my arms around his neck.

Let his arms snake around my waist.

I want him to take me.

I want him.

But I can't...

I slowly pulled away and let out a shaky breath I didn't know was holding. I slowly opened my eyes only to see black orbs were already staring at me and we just stayed like that for a while. Then Omi wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face on the crook of my neck.

Kiyoomi: "This is better than any gold medal." I couldn't move.

Announcer: "It's time for the Sack race! Calling all players!"

Aito: "Papa! let's go!!" He came running to us and started dragging Omi who just chuckled.

Kiyoomi: "Alright. alright!" He carried Aito. Then turned to me. "Darling~" He held out his hand and I took it, he pulled me up and I went straight into his arm, his hand was on my waist and he was smirking.

Atsumu: "Not gonna lie, that was smooth." I rolled my eyes.

Kiyoomi: "Only to you, my Honey Bee!" I giggled and he kissed my cheek. "Let's go!" He let go of me and held Akio.

Omi and Aito made their way through the crowd and onto the track. Me and Akio were at the side with the other family who were watching. The teachers handed the pairs their sacks and I couldn't help but laugh at how adorably similar Omi and Aito are, they were wiping and sanitizing their sacks inside and out.

Aito would be the first one to run or hop to the first half of the track to get to his Papa, once he reached Omi, he would continue on to finish the race. I could see how Omi was helping Aito into his bag and made his way to his half part of the track and got in his bag as well. I was feeling a bit nervous for Aito, he's really determined to prove himself to the other kids and judgemental parents that just couldn't keep their mouths shut. Then I turned to Omi who was already smiling at me, he pulled his mask down and mouthed some words I couldn't understand. I smiled.

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