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The name I never knew I craved for. The man I've been longing for.

Atsumu Miya

It's been 5 days since Mr. Sakusa made me take a week off from work and I have just been spending all of that free time with Aito and Akio. It has been a huge breather and a relief for me when he told me I didn't have to go to work, I was too embarrassed to face him!

Akio: "Mama, are ya alright?" I looked at my son and just gave him a smile. He must be sensing that I'm a bit anxious.

Atsumu: "I'm alright, Dumpling." I patted his head. "If you guys are finished eating, go get your stuff, I'll walk you guys to school."

The Twins: "Yes, Mama!" They beamed.

When we got to their school, I could feel it; the judgemental stares from others just because they never saw the man who should have been standing next to me, the twins' father. The never ending whispering gossip saying that I slept around, that I had more than one partner, that the twins' father left me for someone better. As much as I did my best to ignore them, there's only so much one person could take. No matter how much you try to turn away from everything that just wants to bring you down, it still gets to you. I wanted to cry, I wanted to run away from the prying eyes but I needed to be strong for my kids. I need to let them see that I'll be with them no matter what, that I'll protect them.

Aito: "Mama...?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down on my left. Aito was on the verge of tears and my heart broke, he was squeezing my hand.

Atsumu: "What's wrong, dumpling?" But he didn't answer, he just looked down.

Akio: "We can hear them too..." I looked to my right, Akio was gripping my other hand and gripping his shirt with his other. His eyes were glossy as well.

They were sad and angry at the same time. But no matter what they do or feel, they are still kids, powerless kids...Looking at them is just making me want to cry as well. I hugged them both and they squeezed me as hard as they could.

Atsumu: "Don't worry, we're ok... we'll be ok... I'm here for you..." I kissed them both on the cheeks and gave them a smile "Let's get you guys to class." I smiled. I held their hands and took them to their class where Ms. Haru was greeting every student that came in by the door.

Ms. Haru: "Oh! Hello!" She smiled. "Atsumu- san, I just wanted to ask if you guys will be attending tomorrow!" She handed me a list where I could sign.

Atsumu: "Actually..." I could feel the kids grip tightened on my hand. They really wanted to go but at the same time, scared to. "We won' - -"

"We'll be there." I felt something wrap around my waist. I looked up to see a man with a face mask on, he looked familiar. He took a pen and signed on the list.

Ms. Haru: "And you are?"

The Twins: "" Tears streamed their faces while they stared at the man.

Kiyoomi: "Kiyoomi, the twins' father." Other parents were now whispering to each other and I couldn't be bothered to listen and understand what they were saying. I was just frozen in place, looking up at the man.

Ms. Haru: "Oh!! Mr. Kiyoomi! It's nice to finally meet you!" She smiled and shook his hand that was wearing a rubber glove. "I'll leave you guys for a while." She went inside the class. Looks like she noticed that we needed time to be alone as a family for a minute.

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