Our Family

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Sakusa's POV

Protect Us

I woke up to see Aito sleeping next to me. I've already gotten used to waking up without Atsu since he would always wake up a bit earlier to prepare breakfast. But it was unusual that I couldn't find Akio, usually he's the first one I notice, I mean, with the way he sleeps, how could I not. I shrugged it off thinking maybe he's with Atsu.

I sat up and stretched and fixed Aito's blanket before making my way to the kitchen to see my beautiful Omega humming while cooking. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Kiyoomi: "Good morning, my Queen Bee."

Atsumu: "Good mornin' Honey Bee." We giggled. He gave me a quick peck on my forehead. I can't believe I get to be this lucky in life.

Kiyoomi: "Oh, Love..." He hummed. "When I woke up, I didn't see Akio anywhere... thought he might be here with you..." Atsumu paused for a second before sighing.

Atsumu: "Can ya please check the bathroom..." I was confused but did what he said.

I made my way to the bathroom and could already see the door slightly opened and the lights inside were on. I slowly opened the door and saw Akio sleeping in the bathtub clutching Atsu's shirt. Was I missing something? I took the shirt and put it back in the laundry bin and carried Akio back to the living room and placed him inside the fort next to his brother. I walked back to the kitchen to see Atsu finish cooking and setting up the table.

Kiyoomi: "Hey Atsu... Is there something wrong with Akio?" I sat down and pulled him to my lap. Atsu took a deep breath.

Atsumu: "I honestly don't know... he wasn't like that before..."

Kiyoomi: "What do you mean?"

Atsumu: "He started sleep walkin' not so long ago... but the only place he would always go is the bathroom and I don't know why... and I'm honestly gettin' worried if this keeps up." He looked down and I kissed his cheek.

Kiyoomi: "Don't worry about it too much... I'll talk to Kenma, he might introduce us to some expert that we could talk to about this."

Atsumu: "Alright, I trust ya Omi..." He kissed my cheek and stood up. "Now go wake the kids up so we can eat. They still have school and we have to go to work."

We ate breakfast, got ready and drove the kids to school. We were walking their school hall while holding their hands. We saw Ms. Haru by the door and she started chatting a little bit with Atsu.


Kiyoomi: "It's Motoya... " I looked at Atsu. "I have to get this." He nodded and I distanced myself from them. I accepted the call.



"Motoya? Did you need something?"


"Dude, where are you? You need to come to the office right now."


"What do you mean? I just dropped off the pups at school with Atsu.

We'll be going straight to the office aft- -"


"Uncle is here."

SakuAtsu// : My AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now