It's Him, Not Me

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Sakusa's POV

But he can still S*ck it, Stupid a*s Ex!

This man was really getting on my nerves now. But when my office door burst open, we saw my Omega, panting and sweating and a look I've never seen on him before. He was glaring up at the man who stood proud, tall, and beaming at him. Atsumu finally caught his breath and stood tall, keeping his eyes on him.

Atsumu: "Nikko, what do you want?" He growled as my jaw dropped. Never once have I imagined Atsu, the most gentle and kindest person I've known, could let out something so scary. I have never seen him like this before and I couldn't stop myself from staring.

Nikko: "You're not my Angel." I turned to the man and he was just very displeased with what he's seeing right now. "Who said you could look at me like that?! How dare you- -"

Kiyoomi: "No!" They turned to me. The kids finally let go of me and I stood, they hid behind my legs but peeked a little bit to see what was happening. "You do not talk to my mate like that." I glared at him but kept my pheromones in check since the kids were still in the room. "You do not raise your voice at him and you do not look at him like that." He gritted his teeth, he was pissed. "You said you wanted to talk and we will give you a chance to talk." He kept his glare at me. "But you do not get to disrespect me, my kids, and especially my wife." I took my phone out and called a number. "Hey, Akaashi, can you please take Akio and Aito in my office right now." I held out my hand to Atsumu and he came to me. The kids hugged their mother and Atsu held them tight. "Thank you." I hung up and turned to Nikko. "You can take a seat over there." I pointed to the sofa. "Me and my wife will be right with you after our friend takes the children somewhere else." He looked like he wanted to protest but then we heard a knock on the door. "Come in." It was Akaashi. He had his head down but then scanned the situation, he nodded and went to Atsumu who gave the kids kisses on their forehead before giving them to the other Omega.

Akaashi: "Call me if you need something else." He bowed and finally left with the kids.

It was just the three of us now. I wrapped one arm around Atsu as we made our way to the opposite side of Nikko. His face was back to being annoying. He crossed his arms over his chest as he put one leg over the other.

Atsumu: "So, what do you want?" He broke my crossed arms and put one arm around him and I freaking smirk, feeling so proud that Atsumu wanted to show off how happy and in love we are. "And please make this quick." Daaaamn, he's like a boss b*tch right now and I was loving every second of this.

Kiyoomi: "Yeah! What he said." And that seemed to please my Omega since he gently patted my cheek and leaned up to give a quick peck on my jawline. Sh*t, I can't get turn on right now. But how can I not?! When right now, Atsu, my amazing and beautiful Omega, looked so poised and graceful, calm and collected; he's all business now and was ready for anything that comes his way. I feel so proud of him right now. Truly, one of a kind. I kissed the side of his head and whispered. "You're doing great, Love." And I was just a lackey beside him.

Atsumu: "That's coz yer here with me, Omi." He whispered back and I smiled.

Nikko: "I did not come here to be ignored." We turned to him. "Nor did I want to watch the mother of my kids flirt with some man." We froze. I think I've gone deaf for some reason.

Atsumu: "Wha- - what did you say?" I could feel my heart racing so much. Why the hell would he say that?!

Nikko: "You heard me." He grinned and threw some papers on the table. "The last time we met, Tsumu..." Atsumu took the papers on the table and started to read it but I kept my eye on Nikko. I don't like what he's up to. "Was five years ago... at that party." I turn to Atsu who's shaking while holding the papers tight.

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