Our Alpha

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Atsumu's POV

I love you.

Omi took the kids to their room and helped them get ready while I took a bath. I got out of the shower and wiped myself before putting on my scent blockers. I went to my room and dressed up. After putting on my shirt, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I giggled.

Atsumu: "Omi, are the kids ready?"

Kiyoomi: "Yes, Ma'am." He nuzzled his face deeper on my neck. "My Love..."

Atsumu: "Yes, Omi?" I started fixing my hair. He moved his face a little closer to the back of my ear, by my scent blocker. "O- - Omi..." I froze and felt my heart race.

Kiyoomi: "Atsu..." I felt his breath and shiver run down my spine. "Ca- -can I..?" I felt his lips on my scent blocker.

Atsumu: "O- -Omi..." My knees started to shake a little.

Kiyoomi: "Atsu... I want to smell your scent... Can I?" I felt his teeth peeling off the scent blocker from the edge.


Kiyoomi: "Ofheoghowen" Two little pups came running in and tackled Omi to the ground. " I feel like you guys are doing this on purpose." He whined as he hugged the two. I giggled.

Atsumu: "Aww... Look at ma babies... so adorable!!"

The Twins and Kiyoomi: "Thank ya, Mama!" I rolled my eyes on Omi who was smirking.

After getting ready, Omi drove us to the zoo and the twins were just jumping from excitement. I was really happy for them but at the same time, a little guilty for not being able to take them here. I looked at Omi who's carrying Akio on his shoulders and Atio was being carried on his right arm as we walked through different habitats and just couldn't help but be thankful to have met him, thankful that he wanted to be with us, thankful that he's actually here for us. My eyes landed on his free left hand.

Kiyoomi: "Atsu?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him, he looked a bit confused.

Atsumu: "Yes?"

Kyoomi: "Are you alright?" He put a hand on my cheek and I beamed at him, I could see blood rush to his face.

Aito: "Papa, yer face is red."

Akio: "Are ya alright, Papa?" But he looked away, embarrassed. I giggled.

Atsumu: "Yer Papa is alright." I smirked. I held his hand and started dragging him to the next habitat. "C'mon Omi! We have lots of animals ta see!" I smiled and I could see sparkles in his wide-eyed, black eyes. He finally smiled and nodded.

The twins: "Yaaay!! Let's see the yellow, long neck horses!" I giggled.

We've been going around the zoo for I don't know how long and we decided to take a break and set up in the picnic area of the park.

Akio: "Ooh! Mama!! There's ice cream!! Can we please get some??" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that I just can't say no to. I sighed in defeat and chuckled.

Atsumu: "Alright... but ya have ta take yer brother with ya." Then I looked at Omi. "And ya, don't take yer eyes off them or they may run off somewhere." He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Kiyoomi: "I know... We didn't even pack the hunting net." I giggled.

My two lovely pups ran off, leaving their Papa behind who had to run after them at full speed. Looks like the smile on my face wasn't going anywhere any time soon. I started laying out the blanket and putting out the food.

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