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Sakusa's POV

Yes, Me and MY Family. Everyone else can s*ck it.

It has been a month since Atsu asked me to live with them. When we told the kids that I was going to live with them they just tilted their heads and Akio said, "But wasn't Papa already livin' with us?" "Yeah, Papa already sleeps with us every night and comes home here.'' His brother added. Atsu and I just looked at each other, he shrugged. Well, they weren't wrong, we weren't just expecting that kind of reaction.

Atsumu: "Omi..." We were chilling in the living room; it was movie night since it's the weekend. Like always the kids were already asleep between me and Atsu.

Kiyoomi: "Yes, Love?" He looked up at me.

Atsumu: "Are ya not getting any stuff from yer place ta move here?"

Kiyoomi: "But I already have my stuff..."

Atsumu: "But ya just asked Kuroo and the others ta bring yer clothes and that was it! Don't ya have anything like... from... yer family to take home here?" Oh... that's what he meant. Should I tell him? "Honey Bee..." He put a hand on my cheek, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I was only askin', I didn't mean to make ya upset."

Kiyoomi: "No, no..." I took his hand and kissed it. "It's not that I'm upset... it's just that, there really is nothing in that big house that has any meaning to me." I looked down at the kids. "Everything that I could ever need is here in my arms now." I smiled and couldn't stop myself from hugging the two little pups...

Akio: "Papa, get off!" He groaned.

Aito: "Papa, stop movin' around!" He groaned as well.

Kiyoomi: "I feel offended." Atsu giggled.

Atsumu: "How 'bout we get ya two ta bed already?" But the two only groaned for the 3rd time and Atsu just rolled his eyes. "C'mon, time fer bed.

Aito: "Mama, noooo..."

Akio: "let's just stay here...." They whined.

Atsumu: "Let me think 'bout it..." He put a finger under his chin. "Hmmm... How 'bout... No❤." Pfft! That caught me off guard. "Now, grab 'em, Papa!" What am I? A Pokemon!? Should I say Pika Pika?

Kiyoomi: "Yes, Ma'am!" I saluted.

Akio: "Run!" They bolted up and ran in different directions. "Ya will never get us!"

Aito: "Resistance!" He yelled with his tiny hands in the air.

Atsumu: "Catch the noisy one, Omi! I'll get the other!"

Kiyoomi: "Pika, pika!"

I started chasing a little ball of energy all around the house while Atsu was looking for the sneaky one that was a freaking pro in hiding. And just like that, the house was full of chaos, fun, and love. How could I ever go back to the life I used to have if I have something this amazing to look forward to after a long day of work. To be able to go home where someone is there to greet you 'welcome home!' with adorable smiles and warm hugs.

Kiyoomi: "I can't believe I ran for more than 30 minutes just to catch this battery infused little creature." I groaned as two little pups giggled in between me and Atsu on the bed.

Atsumu: "At Least ya can see yer kid, I had to look fer mine! It much more easier ta look fer the easter bunny than an invisible little man."

Aito: "Mama didn't even find me!" He proudly said. " I only gave up cause Papa caught Akio."

Akio: "No one left behind!"

Kiyoomi: "So... buy 1 take one 1 deal." Atsu giggled.

Atsumu: "Yeah... I didn't read that fine print when I got pregnant..." We laughed. The kids were now full of energy again, making it hard for them to fall asleep again but Atsu tucked them in and wouldn't let them get up again.

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