Everything's Different

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Atsumu's POV

I was different

I just finished my work for half the day and I looked over to Omi and he looked like he still had a lot to do. I made my way next to him.

Atsumu: "Omi, I just finished the things needed fer now." He looked up at me, put down his papers and pulled me onto his lap, I giggled. "I'm goin' ta pick up the kids and we'll bring ya somethin' ta eat."

Kiyoomi: "Do you want me to call for Kuroo or Bokuto to drive you around?" He wrapped his arms around my waist. He looks a bit tired.

Atsumu: "No need, Love." I kissed his cheek. "The school ain't that far from here... besides, I like the walk."

Kiyoomi: "Alright, call me if you need anything." He gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I was walking through the streets on the way to the twins' school to pick them up when I noticed my reflection by a store window. I looked at myself, putting a hand on the glass; I really have changed so much in such a short time.

For once, I had gained the confidence to actually see myself as beautiful. I don't hide behind baggy clothes and ugly glasses to make myself invisible to others, thinking I was just an eyesore.

It hasn't been a year since I met Omi but everything was just perfect, like pieces of a puzzle that were just falling into the right place. I finally found the one who loves my kids as much as I do. Someone who'll think of them first before themselves. Someone who'll treasure us... Someone who will never leave us.

I felt myself tearing up as I was finally able to trust someone else, someone who will help me carry these heavy loads and burdens I've been shackled down with, someone who lightens my heavy heart. Someone I can call my other half.

Someone I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I smiled with the feeling of being complete, that I was no longer longing for something I craved for so long.

I want to see Omi.

I miss Omi.

I want to thank him.

I want to embrace him.

I want to kiss him.

I could see how my face lit up in a shade of red. My heart was beating so much. My palms felt wet all of a sudden. And I look creepy with this smile that just appeared out of nowhere. My mind is just filled with Omi now. I have never felt anything like this before and not with anyone.

I want to tell him I love him. To scream to the whole world how much I've fallen for him.

I love him too much and I can't stop. I'm too happy right now. But then my heart suddenly dropped when I didn't see Akio and Aito with their teacher by the gate like always, I felt distress immediately, I could feel it, there was something not right but I tried to dwell on it. I ran to Ms. Haru as fast as I could. My worry was clouding my feeling of tiresomeness and shortness of breath.

Atsumu: "Ms. Haru..." I tried to compose myself. Maybe I was overreacting since this is the first that it happened but I can't help but feel uneasy. "Whe- - where are the twins?" I prayed to all the Gods out there that they were just inside or just in the bathroom or something.

Ms. Haru: "Oh, Atsumu-san." She looked a bit confused. "The twins were picked up by your colleague." I felt my world stop. I didn't ask Akaashi or the others to pick up the twins and if Omi did, he would have told me. He would have stopped me earlier to come here if he did. And if one of them did pick up the twins, they would have said so.

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