The Truth

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And I honestly don't know what to do now.

I put a hand on my chest. I think I had a stroke.

Sakusa: "Wha- -what?"


Atsumu: "Kawa's not my mate..."


Sakusa: "But I thought..."


Atsumu: "He's not the twins' father..."


Sakusa: "He's not...?" I felt hopeful even though Atsu's looking a bit down.

Atsumu: "Kiyoomi, are you alright?" His eyes are just mesmerizing even though he's on the verge of tears again.



T H U M P ! ! !

Atsu was looking down, his face was a bit red, he's embarrassed but I don't know why? He kept fidgeting with his fingers and looking anywhere that's not me. He looked like he wanted to say something but something was keeping him from doing so. He would slightly open his mouth but would quickly shut it a few times.

I held his hand on the table and gave him a reassuring look. I wanted to jump from joy when he said that Oikawa wasn't the father and his mate but then realized that someone else has to be it.

Sakusa: "If you're not comfortable telling m- -"

Atsumu: "I've been lying to the kids!" He blurted out. His eyes were shut tight.

Sakusa: "Atsu...?" He was now teary-eyed. I got up from my seat and knelt in front of him. I cupped his face and wiped away his tears. "Are you sure you want to talk about it?" He just nodded. "Do you want to move to the sofa so you could be more comfortable?" He nodded again.

I got up and carried him in my arms, he just wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face on my neck. When we got to the living room, I just sat on the sofa while Atsu was still in my arms. Atsumu was just on my lap trying to calm himself down. I just held him close just reassuring him that he's not alone.

Sakusa: "Just take your time..." He took a deep breath and pulled away from my embrace. He gave me a small smile and looked down, he had a sad look in his eyes even though he's smiling.

Atsumu: "I don't... " He took a shaky breath. " I don't really know who their father is..." I held him again and he let me. I felt frozen in place, not knowing what to do nor say. "It was a drunken one night stand..." I could feel his sadness, his tightening on my shirt. "It was dark and I was a bit tipsy and I had lost my contacts and couldn't see very well but I knew he was my fated mate...His scent engulfed me whole, I was drowning and I loved it. It was my first time but he made me feel so safe. In his embrace, I felt warm and at home; it was perfect." He cried, sniffling with his red nose. "But when I woke up, he was already gone... without a trace of anything that I was with someone the night before. He left before I could even get to know him... I didn't even get the chance to properly see his face..." I tightened my embrace on Atsu, letting him feel that he wasn't alone.

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