Knowing Me

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Atsumu's POV

Knowing You

It has quieted down since everyone left and it's just me and Omi in the office now. I still can't believe Omi did all those things and to his own father.

Kiyoomi: "Darling, did you need something?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "You're staring too much." He stopped working and just focused on me.

I can't believe I was staring too much. Now, Omi has his arms open, waiting for me.

Atsumu: "I- -It's nothin'." I tried to act normal as I tried to look at my paperworks.

Kiyoomi: "Love," I looked up at him, a little embarrassed. "Come here, please." I thought for a second before slowly heading to him where he pulled me onto his lap once I got close. "Now tell me, what's bothering you, Love?" He pulled his mask down.

Atsumu: "Ya know, Omi, as much as I'm thinking of somethin', ya calling me with different cute pet names is just always bringin' a smile ta ma face and given' me such a fluffy feelin'." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Kiyoomi: "And I'm not stopping if it makes you this happy." He kissed my cheek. "Now, can you please tell me what's on your mind?"

Ever since Omi came into my life, I never knew things could get any more amazing than it already is. He brought so much color and joy to my everyday life just by being by my side and by my sons. Omi being present and taking responsibility for things that should be someone else's is making me think that I can't live without him. I can't picture my sons anymore without him by their side or being carried by him.

Omi knows everything about the twins by now just like the back of his hands even though he'd only met them not so long ago, he knows their favorite foods, their dreams, their worst fears, what keeps them up at night, he knows what makes their eyes sparkle with excitement, joy, and amazement. This man in front of me has done nothing but make us his first priority. He could see right through me even when I just smiled. He could feel whenever I needed help or support. He never failed in comforting me and the pups, he always knew what to say and when he doesn't, he shows it through his actions. He tells us through his loving embrace that we could never get enough of.


We don't know anything about him...

Other than he has mysophobia, I don't know what he likes and dislikes... I don't know his favorites, I don't even know his family... I don't know anything... he's practically a stranger to me... to my kids...

I felt down... and... disappointed... at myself. I felt my heart getting heavy, my eyes were getting teary. How could I be so selfish? Then I felt a hand on my cheek, I finally realized that I've been stuck in my head and Omi is looking at me really worried. He wiped my tears with his thumb.

Kiyoomi: "What's wrong, my Love? Why are you tearing up?"

Atsumu: "I'm so sor- - *Hic *hic I'm so sorry fer bein' a ba- - bad partner!" I cried. Omi started panicking and looked around his desk for some tissue.

Kiyoomi: "Why are you saying that, Atsu?" He started wiping my face with some tissue. "Don't ever say that, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, you and the twins!" He hugged me but I kept crying. "You have been nothing but amazing since that first day I've met you." He cupped my face. "I'm always reminded of how lucky I am that I get to be with you and the twins..." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before hugging me tight again. "... And that's everyday." I hugged him and buried my face on his chest.

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