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Atsumu's POV

Next time.

Everyone went wild with Omi's stunt. The paparazzi were just bombarding us with non-stop questions. Nikko and Mr. Akira were too shocked to move as their mouths hung open. My handsome Alpha didn't let me out of his embrace as I finally faced everyone. I giggled, everything was priceless right now. I could even feel the non-stop ringing of my phone in my pocket, guess this is all happening live on television.

Atsumu: "The night I got pregnant was the night I got marked as well." I smiled. "And I assure everyone that this pheromones and bite mark belongs ONLY to my one and only Alpha," I put a hand on Omi's cheek who was still hugging me from behind. "Sakusa Kiyoomi."

Mr. Akira: "LIES!" Everyone turned to him. "We have proof that Nikko is the real father!" He waved around the DNA test that Nikko brought last year. "You thought you could fool us?" He had a smug look on his face. "You fooled my son into thinking that he's the real father and made him mark you once you convinced him. Just how much more despicable can you get?" He made a disgusting look on me and I felt Omi's hug around me had gotten tighter. I was pretty sure that Omi would go feral on them if I told him to.

Kiyoomi: "Love..." He whispered. "I'll handle this..." He kissed my cheek. "I promise I won't make a scene." He finally let go of me and stood tall beside me. Now, all eyes were on him. "Yes, that DNA test is true."

Mr. Akira: "Ha! I told you! Tha- -"

Kiyoomi: "But the name has been switched." Nikko and Mr. Akira froze. "Nikko used my DNA to test with one of my kids and when he saw that we matched, he told them it was his."

Nikko: "LIAR! Those are my kids!" He blew up. "You stole them from me!"

"No, he didn't" Someone said from behind the crowd and everyone turned to him. It was my cousin. I smirked as he made his way through the paparazzi and stood next to us. "I have a thorough investigation on EVERYTHING." We could see how the guilty flinched. My cousin held out the files and waved it in front of everyone. "And the police are here to take Mr. Nikko away for many reasons that I cannot say for legal reasons." The both of them started to go pale. Police came in and took Nikko. Then they started to cuff Mr. Akira as well.

Mr. Akira: "What's the meaning of this?! Unhand me!" He tried to resist but failed. "I didn't do anything!" He glared. "I'm just trying to protect my son from that scammer! He pointed at me.

Kiyoomi: "Don't get me wrong, I want them to take you for helping out Nikko for terrorizing me and Atsu's life but this is mostly business for you. You're going to jail for embezzlement and abusing your employees." He looked down on his own father and his face of horror that his son was finally getting rid of him was bringing joy to my handsome Alpha, I could just feel it.

The police helped with taking out the paparazzi after taking in Nikko and Mr. Akira and it felt like we could finally breathe freely. I didn't even notice how stressed Omi was until I saw how he finally relaxed when the police cuffed the two. I held his hand and he looked at me with teary eyes which took me by surprise. He beamed at me.

Kiyoomi: "It's finally over." His tears started to flow down but his smile never left. "We can finally live in peace." I smiled at him and pulled him in a hug. "Thank you for staying by my side."

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