The Bet

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That was unfair and stupid and I didn't want to do it in the first place

I was having a meeting with Ushijima. We talked about business and other stuff and it really dragged along. After 3 hours, it finally ended but he didn't leave yet and my other friends started coming in and making themselves comfortable. It was like a normal guys' hang out at this point; coming in uninvited while bringing snacks and drinks, and just making themselves at home.

Ushijima: "You seem a bit distracted, Sakusa?" Everyone's eyes were on me.

Kuroo: "Oya?" He grinned as he passed down some drinks to the other.

Bokuto: "Sakubro is thinking of something other than work?" He said as he gave out snacks to the others.

Akaashi: "Ko, that's rude." He put a hand on the other's hand.

Bokuto: "Sorry, Keiji..." He looked at his mate and Akaashi just sigh and patted the other's head and the buff man just beamed with happiness.

Kuroo: "But my Bro's right, Sakusa isn't interested in anything other than work."

Sakusa: "Shut up." I rolled my eyes as I took a drink.

Suna: "So, what's the magical thing that was able to get your attention?"

Sakusa: "It's not that big of a deal..."

Ushijima: "But..." Ugh...D*mn it! Not you too, Wakatoshi! I sigh, they are not going to let this go and I'll just suffer if I don't fess up.

Sakusa: "Miya..." They stared at me.

Suna: "Omg! What did you do!?" I was a bit surprise, Suna raised his voice.

Sakusa: "Nothing!" But he narrowed his eyes on me, not believing that there was nothing going on. "What!? Are YOU interested in him!?" I felt a bit uneasy. Suna scoffed.

Suna: "You idiot, he's my bestie and the twin brother of my fiancee."

Sakusa: "Oh, ok- - wait! You're engaged!?"

Kenma: "He's been engaged for like a year now... he's getting married in like... a month." It was now my turn to stare at them.

Kuroo: "Are you serious right now!? Dude! You're his best man! I can't believe that you had no idea!" He was amused. "Imagine Sakusa not showing up for the wedding and f*cking went to work and be confused as hell because no one's here!" Everyone laughed.

Sakusa: "I- -" Then I looked at Suna who was in disbelief and was just waiting for an explanation from me. "I- - I have no excuse..." I surrendered. "But this isn't about that." I composed myself. Suna rolled his eyes.

Suna: "Ugh, you owe me a fancy as* wedding gift."

Sakusa: "Yeah, yeah..."

Akaashi: "So, what is it about Atsumu-san? Did something happen between you too?"

Sakusa: "Oh... that... It's nothing like that." Then I told them what happened earlier with Ms. Kim. After I finished they were not... surprised or impressed...

Kenma: "I'm confused, what's the point of the story? Did I miss something?"

Sakusa: "He was handling my mysophobia quite well...?" They looked at me like I was talking nonsense or something. "What!?"

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