Side Story 1: Games

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Atsumu ran his fingers on the picture frame of him and his beautiful family. It was a day off for him and his Omi. His handsome fiance took the kids to the grocery store while he stayed at home to clean. He giggled looking at the picture remembering the fun time.

Atsumu: I can't believe we actually won all those games." He chuckled, looking at the medals on the walls. He put the picture back on the wall after wiping it.

Atsumu was lined up with the other parents while facing their children holding an egg. The egg toss competition was really heated up as their distance grew each time they caught the egg. There were only five pairs left and they were about 15 feet afar. Akio, being a child, didn't really know how to control his strength nor did he know how to calculate his throw with his distance, all he knew was that he had to throw the egg far and that was what he did but it he put too much force in throw and it went too far, Akio's eyes widened in his mistake, thinking it was over for them but then he saw his mother following the egg with so much speed without looking away from it. Kiyoomi and Aito cheered with the crowd as they saw Atsumu catch the egg like a pro.

Kiyoomi: "Looks like he still got it." He smiled, remembering that Atsumu said he used to be a volleyball player.

Announcer: "Winners are Akio and his Mama!"

When the next game was announced, Kiyoomi stood up, taking his wife's hand. They grinned and stretched as they approached their opponents.

Kiyoomi: "Ready my Queen?"

Atsumu: "Of course, Honey." He smiled. "Let's show the kids how awesome their Mama and Papa are." Kyoomi's heart started racing, he felt excited and alive not because of the games but because he had someone he had to do his best for. He had someone to impress.

Everyone was in amazement as Kiyoomi and Atsumu took the lead and they looked like they weren't stopping anytime soon. It was already expected of Kiyoomi to exceed and be the best. Atsumu was the one who surprised everyone, he was an Omega, a recessive one at that. He looked weak and fragile but the way he moved, he was like an Alpha. He was fast, agile, and strong. He took his Alpha's role on crawling under some logs on mud. He climbed up a 15 feet tall wall and jumped over it without breaking a sweat. And just like that, they won as expected by everybody.

The Miya family sat by their place, enjoying the lunch break. Aito and Akio couldn't stop fonding over their parents and just how cool they were. But then, they heard the announcer for the two person limbo and the twins started running.

Atsumu: "My kids got this in the bag." He crossed his arms over his shoulder, looking smug.

Kiyoomi: "What makes you say that?" He helped the fake blonde up. "It's not that I don't believe they could win this." They made their way to the sidelines. "I'm just curious."

Atsumu: "Aito's reeeaaally flexible... like..." He just didn't know how to express it enough. "He doesn't even have any bones. It worries me sometimes."

Kiyoomi: "And how did he get that... umm... flexible?"

Atsumu: "Rin." Was all he had to say, even without context, the ravenette could already figure it out. And just as the Omega had predicted, the twins did win and it actually amazed and freaked out Kiyoomi how terrifyingly flexible Aito was.

Announcer: "Alright everyone! It's time for our final game of the school festival!" Everyone listened. "Calling all parents participating in the paper dance!"

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