It Was Me...

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Sakusa's POV

I can never.

I couldn't focus on my work as Atsu's concerns, doubts, and thoughts occupied my mind. Guess I wasn't the only one over thinking about such things. But why are these problems popping out now? We just want to live in peace and in happiness, was that too much to ask?

Today's Atsu's day off and it always bums me out whenever he's not around in the office. It feels boring, empty, and just dull without him and he couldn't come in for lunchtime like he always does since he had to attend some parent meeting for the kids' school. But at least it was time for me to come home now. It's funny to think that before I Atsu, I wouldn't think about the time, nor would I even glance at it. My office was my home, I would spend hours, even days in this room with unfeeling interest to nothing. Now, I have a place I want to return to, my own little sanctuary, my haven, my home.

"Welcome home, Omi!" I was greeted by the most beautiful man I've ever seen with his angelic smile. He wore a cute pink apron over my old volleyball hoodie while holding a spatula. "Can ya please check on the kids upstairs..." I nodded and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Thank ya, Love." He beamed and went back to the kitchen. Watching him happily cook our dinner while wearing my hoodie that has SAKUSA on it.

Kiyoomi: "Soon." I smiled to myself as I went to the kids room where I saw Akio looking hard at his forehead in the mirror. "Dumpling?" He turned to me and beamed.

Akio: "Papa!" He hugged me happily.

Kiyoomi: "What were you doing, Dumpling?" I looked at him. "And where's your brother?" I looked around the room and there was no sign of Aito.

Akio: "There's just somethin' on ma forehead..." He touched his forehead. "And Aito's still in the bathroom, he takes longer ta finish."

Kiyoomi: "I'm going to check on him and you finish getting dressed, Mama's waiting for us downstairs." He nodded and I ruffled his hair. I went to the bathroom to see Aito drying his hair with a towel. "Let me help you with that, Buddy." When he saw me, he beamed and I helped him with toweling his fluffy hair while he sat on the sink.

Atsumu clearly told me to never brush off Aito's hair since it was curly, I just need to lightly blow dry it. After drying, I've never noticed that Aito's hair had gotten a little long and now it falls down to his eyes. I gently brushed it to the side with my finger and saw how he was already smiling brightly at me but then I noticed something just right under the tip of my finger by his forehead.

Kiyoomi: "What's this?" I tried to rub it off with my thumb but it didn't come off. I was confused, I was sure AIto didn't have that dot before. "Did you put this?" I asked my son and he tilted his head in confusion. He got up and turned to the mirror behind him. He held back his hair with his small hands that revealed his whole forehead and there he saw the single, small black dot just hovering just by his right eyebrow. The little boy narrowed his eyes and just kept glaring at the black dot that seemed to appear from nowhere. He started to rub it with his hand but it didn't come off and that only annoyed him more. "Aito..." But he ignored me and started to rub the dot a little harder and his forehead started to get red. "Aito!" I grabbed his hand to stop him, he looked at me with glossy eyes.

Aito: "Papa..." His voice was shaking. "Di- - dirty." He started crying as he looked down.

Kiyoomi: "Dumpling..." I carried him. "You're not dirty..." I took out one of Atsu's headbands from the drawer and put it on Aito to keep his hair back. I sat him back down on the sink and took a look at his forehead. It's red and a little scratched up but not that too bad. "Please never do anything like this again, Aito..." He looked down. "When Mama sees this, he's going to be sad... Do you want to make Mama sad?"

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