A Family

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That I was never a part of.

Atsumu and I jumped away from each other. We looked at the door to see a brown haired male, sharp eyes, and an annoying face. I groaned. Out of all times he could come in, it just had to be now. I never felt this frustrated in my whole life before. God must be really testing my patience to send this man at this moment.

Sakusa: "Komori." I glared at him. I wanted to throw him out my window. "What are you doing here?" I glared at him.

Komori: "Woooow, I missed you too." He walked in and made himself comfortable. He eyed Atsu next to me and the pups on my table. He raised an eyebrow then smirked. "So... are you going to introdu- -"

Sakusa: "Mr. Miya," I stood and took the pups off my table, setting them down. "Can you please take the pups to that new cafe near here." He nodded and took the twins, they were at the door when they looked back at me. "I'll see you guys there in a bit." I smiled before pulling my mask back up, he smiled back before nodding and then they left.

Komori: "D*mn, I was only gone for a while and you already have a family! Why didn't you tell me?" He looked dramatically hurt. I rolled my eyes.

Sakusa: "That was my assistant and his kids." I deadpanned and looked at him.

Komori: "So you're just dating him?"

Sakusa: "No, he already has a mate." His jaw dropped and I looked down.

Komori: "But it looked like- -"

Sakusa: "What are you doing here?" I looked at him. We stared at each other for a while but he finally sighed and relaxed on the sofa. He crossed his arms over his chest.

Komori: "I heard that you declined Ms. Kim's proposal... Uncle was really... displeased with your decision."

Sakusa: "This is my company." I started fixing my things. "He does not have a say in anything I do." I made my way to the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for lunch." I reached for the doorknob.

Komori: "He already has a mate." I stopped. "You're just going to hurt yourself."

Sakusa: "I know." I looked at him, I don't know what face I was making but he looked like he wanted to give me a hug. "Talk to you again soon."

I got to the cafe and the twins spotted me immediately. Aito smiled and Akio was waving around and yelling, Atsumu was trying to calm him down. I chuckled. Atsumu was sitting next to Akio and I was sittin next to Aito, facing their mother.

Akio: "Saksa, who was the man with the funny eyebrows earlier?"

Atsumu: "Akio! That's rude."

Akio: "I'm sorry..." He looked down.

Sakusa: "It's alright." I chuckled. "He's not wrong."

Atsumu: "Kiyoomi!" Me and the kids laughed.

Sakusa: "That man is my cousin, he lives very far away..."

Akio: "Really?"

Sakusa: "Yeah... I'll introduce you guys to him next time... I'm sure he'll love you guys." I smiled.

Komori's someone important to me, an actual family who's a family to me.

This week I had really gotten close with Atsumu and the kids. Yes, I still get irritated and annoyed by Oikawa, but I don't run away anymore. As long as Atsu and the twins are happy, I'm happy; even though it kills me, I just really want to see them and be able to be close as much as possible.

Finally it was the weekend, I hurriedly got ready and quickly got in my car and drove to Atsumu's house. I parked at the driveway and made my way to the front door. Before I could even knock, I could hear a commotion happening behind the door. I knocked and heard someone rushing for the door.

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