What Ifs...

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Atsumu's POV

I can't.

When I heard that Omi had a son, I just froze, feeling the ground beneath me trying to swallow me whole. I was so full of myself thinking that this was just another crazy stalker, or obsessed wanna be future Sakusa, but it's actually something more than I can handle. I thought I could be selfish for once. I thought I could keep Omi for myself, for my sons. I didn't want to share him, to let him be an Alpha and a father to somebody else. I wanted to scream he's mine and they can't have him but this is too much... even for me.

Atsumu: "So...n" I feel like I was making a fool out of myself... "O- - Omi... yer- - yer son..."" It was getting hard to breathe for some reason. "Omi..." My voice broke looking at the man who I thought was the one. "Dead..." I needed to get away. Did Omi really let that happen to a child?

My mind raced. What if I was Yuri that time? What if it was Omi who got me pregnant that time? Would he have shunned me away as well? Pushed and ignored me? Would he even meet with me if I had asked? Would it be so different if we had met back then? If Omi was the one I slept with 5 years ago...

I felt my heart break a little, realizing that... If Omi was the one who I slept with 5 years ago... then...

Why did he leave me?

Why didn't he try to look for me?

I felt someone grab my hand. I looked up to see the purest black obsidian eyes staring at me that was telling me that he had no intention of letting me go. I felt weak as he gently pulled me into his strong arms. I felt safe but a little down.

Kiyoomi: "You trust me, don't you?" He whispered in my ear. I didn't know what to do anymore, I couldn't think straight. I could only hold onto him tightly as I buried my face in his chest, I couldn't hold in my sobs anymore. As much as I am overthinking right now, my head nodded, responding to him and him alone. "Good, just let me handle this." He kissed the top of my head. "I love you, Atsu."I felt his chest take a deep breath.

Everything was a blur from there. But one thing was for sure... I have never seen or heard Omi be this cruel... I feel like I don't know this man. He sounded like such an as*h*le , a bad guy that I would 100% would stay away from but despite the mean things that were coming out of his mouth, the hurtful words that was affecting me even though it wasn't directed to me. His embrace was my assurance, my reminder that he is my strong, dependable, loving, and caring Alpha. What he was doing right now is just to protect himself and our family. His warmth that had imprinted throughout my whole body was the constant thing that became natural for me and our sons.

Yuuki: "My brother didn't take it well when his first pup was... stillborn..." I didn't have the heart to look at them, especially Yuri. "Now... he's been like... this... ever since..." I can't imagine what he must've been going through all this time. I can't imagine losing my twins before I could even meet them, it just breaks my heart thinking how lonely I'll be without them. How my life would've been so different if they were never born.

Kiyoomi: "And what makes you think that he won't become like this even if I was by his side when the child dies?" I wish didn't Omi didn't have to say such horrible things. "Looking at your brother right now..." I know this is hard for him as well... "There's nothing I can do to help him..." There was silence. "If we're done here... I'll be taking my wife home now." He gently gripped me. We were about to leave.

Yuri: "You are my Alpha..." We stopped and I glanced a little at Yuri. He had pleading eyes.

Kiyoomi: "Stop saying that!" He growled at him and everyone flinched. "I. AM. NOT. YOUR. ALPHA." He glared at him and his eyes started to get teary. "AND. I WILL. NEVER. BE. YOUR. ALPHA." It always scares me when Omi raises his voice even though he never did it with me, it still terrified me whenever I hear it, especially when he growls.

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