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Atsumu's POV

Something to take home

Kiyoomi: "Is everyone ready?" He asked the kids at the backseat after I strapped them in.

The Twins: "Yes Papa!"

Omi started our drive to his house. It was about a 47 minutes drive when we got to this elite class neighborhood. The kids were just amazed at all the massive houses lined up. After a couple of minutes, we were finally at the end of the road and heading towards a huge gate. We stopped in front of it and Omi took out his phone where he clicked something and the huge gates opened.

Now, we stood in front of this huuuuuuuuuuge mansion. Me and the kids just stood frozen with our jaws hanging as we looked around.

Atsumu: "O- - Omi..." I swallowed a lump in my throat. "Thi- - this is where ya live?"

Kiyoomi: "Well, yeah... I thought you knew." He was holding the key to the door, ready to open it. "This was my mother's house..." He mumbled.

Atsumu: "I've only seen pictures of some parts of it, not the whole of it. I mean, I knew ya were rich, Omi, but this is insane!" I gestured to all around me. " This isn't a mansion, this is a palace from those Disney movies!" But Omi just giggled at me.

Akio: "Papa, are ya a King?"

Aito: "I didn't know ya were royalty, Papa..." They kept their eyes on the house.

Kiyoomi: "If your Papa is a King," He opened the door and went to the kids. "Then you guys are my Princes." He carried them both. "And your Mama..." He looked at me. "Is my one and only beautiful Queen." I felt my face heat up but I couldn't look away. I'm too in love with this man. I smiled at him and went next to him, putting my hands on his shoulder pulling him down a little as I leaned up to gently kiss his cheek. He kissed my forehead and smiled. "Shall we go inside, my Majesties?" We giggled.

Omi gave us a tour of his massive palace and as we walked around, we could see most of the stuff was covered or in boxes. It's already half a day and we still haven't seen the whole house, not to mention the garden, the green house, and the guest house.

Atsumu: "Omiii." He looked at us. "This is too much! And the kids are very tired now."

Kiyoomi: "Oh... How about...'' He carried the twins. "We go to my room and take a rest there, since it will be the last place to be packed. I'll call in for some pizza and ice cream for dinner." The two little boys cheered in his arms as he took us to his room.

Atsumu: "WHAT!?" Everyone jumped in surprise by my sudden scream.

Kiyoomi: "Atsu, calm down... It's just a bed."

The Twins: "WHAT!?" Omi jumped again.

Akio: "That is not a bed, Papa! That is a bouncy floor with legs!" Aito nodded in agreement with his twin.

Atsumu: "Ya have been crammin' with me and the kids on ma bed while ya have a stage fer a bed here?!" This man is rich, rich, RICH! No wonder many people want him.

Akio: "Papa..."

Kiyoomi: "Yes, Dumpling?"

Akio: "Is yer bed very soft and bouncy?"

Kiyoomi: "Yes...?" He narrowed his eyes at the little boy, suspicious of his motives.

Akio: "Throw me!"

Atsumu: "Excuse me!?" I whipped my gaze at Akio and Omi.

Kiyoomi: "Aight, bet." He picked Akio up. What the hell!? "Aito, hold your Mama." I looked down and saw Aito clinging onto my leg. "Fly, my baby Bee!" I turned again but I was too late; Akio was already up in the air heading towards the huge bed.

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