School Festival

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Just full of chaos, fun, and love

Morning came and I woke up with Akio's little foot up on my nose. I sat up and stretched my arms up. I look beside me to see a drooling, upside down looking starfish Akio while Aito was hugging his brother's leg that was on his chest and an Omi whose arm is just over them. I chuckled to myself, this is the most beautiful morning I've ever woken up to. I got my phone and took a picture.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom and fixed myself up. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast, after finishing, I went back upstairs to my room to see Omi on his back while Aito laid across Omi's stomach, on his stomach and Akio was laid over Omi's leg like a melted play do. I held in a laugh, I took out my phone and took some pictures.

I sat on the bed and gently shook Omi's shoulder. He furrowed his eyebrows and groaned.

Atsumu: "Omi, it's time to wake up..." But he covered his eyes with his arm. "Omi, wakey-wakey!" I whispered yell, I didn't want to startle the kids.

Kiyoomi: "5 more minutes..."

Akio: "Shhh..." He groaned.

Aito: "Nooo..." They didn't really want to get up. I huffed out and stood, making my way to the door. I looked at them for a little while.

Atsumu: "Whoever gets ready first will get a nose-nose from me." I closed the door and quickly walked downstairs. I could hear the commotion from upstairs, there was a lot of yelling.

Aito: "Papa pushed me!!"

Kiyoomi: "Akio, stop biting me!"

Akio: "Aito threw away ma toothbrush!"

Kiyoomi: "Stop that!"

Akio: "I was first! let gooo!"

Aito: "That's mine!" I just laughed at their silliness.

Kiyoomi: "Move!"

Akio: "Outa the waay! Outa the waay!"

After a few more minutes, I could hear loud thumps and running down the stairs and a lot of bickering. I waited at my seat at the dining table to see a man and two little boys, panting and pushing each other out of the way.

Akio: "I win!" He declared.

Kiyoomi: "No, you didn't!"

Aito: "I was first!!" They made their way towards me and started arguing who I got to nose-nose with. I giggled.

Atsumu: "Enough, everyone sit down and eat yer breakfast." They pouted and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I sighed in defeat and gave all of them a nose-nose. I stood up and started walking out the dining room.

Kiyoomi: "You're not going to eat?"

Atsumu: "While you guys were busy playing around..." He rolled his eyes. "I already ate and now, I'm packing up the kids' stuff for the festival."

The Twins: "Yaaay!"

Atsumu: "I'll pack up some change clothes fer ya too." I put a hand on his shoulder.

Kiyoomi: "Thank you!" He smiled. I'll clean up after breakfast." He put his hand on mine.

Atsumu: "Ok, thank ya! just leave those lunch boxes by the counter, that's er lunch and snacks fer later!"

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