Side Story II: 5 Years Ago

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Atsumu's PoV

Today was Samu's boyfriend's birthday and they decided to celebrate, inviting me and our friends out to a bar. I was finally meeting my twin's partner after them, dating for months now. I was so excited to hang out with everyone and just have fun and let loose.

By the 5th round of drinks, everyone was either drunk or tipsy. We were laughing and giggling about random things and some nonsense. And a little more later, everyone was leaving one by one; going home. Osamu and his boyfriend wanted to give me a lift but I didn't want to bother them and Osamu really looked like he was about to pass out anytime soon.

I was about ready to leave as well when I felt like going to the bathroom first. I splashed my face with some cold water to help myself sober up a little.

Atsumu: "D*mn it!" My contacts fell and went down the drain and that actually sobered me up. I groaned as everything was just a blur to me now.

I left the bathroom to see people gathering around by the exit and for some reason, I was a bit compelled to see what was happening but I fought against the feeling and just pushed through the crowd to get to the exit.


I froze.

I turned and finally saw a man crouched down on the floor, crying. He was in pain and looked like he was being tortured and everyone around him didn't care about his suffering, they just wanted him for themselves. An Alpha was something everyone craved to be their mates. Alphas were the top of the society, they are strong, proud, and amazing in every way but the Alpha before me was whimpering in pain, he looked so small and pathetic in the middle of everyone's touch and it made my heart ache and before I knew it, I was already pushing through the crowd again and reaching out my hand.

Atsumu: "Take my hand!" And then he finally looked up, staring at me. I couldn't see him clearly but my heart started racing and when he reached up and held my hand with the little strength he had and I pulled him into my arms and I just felt an explosion in my stomach.

I knew in that instant, this man was my fated pair. My inner Omega was screaming at me that this man was mine, that he is my Alpha and me and my inner Omega was not happy that other people were fonding over him.

Atsumu: "DO. NOT. TOUCH. HIM." I growled and everyone backed off. I am an omega but I am not weak. I carried my Alpha out the bar and did my best to navigate the streets with blurry vision.

"...Ma...te..." The man mumbled. Then I felt him wrapped his arms around my neck, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "O...mega... mine." I froze when I felt him bite me. I felt my whole body heat up and my knees started shaking.

Atsumu: "Sh*t!" I was going into heat, his pheromones were finally getting to me. This was not good, I needed to hurry! "Hold on!" I finally saw a motel and just bolted there.

When I finally checked in, I ran like hell to the room and just dumped the man on the bed and ran to the bathroom to lock myself in there. Even if this man was my fated pair, I did not want to take advantage of him and I was actually scared since I was a virgin. I did not have any experience and ideas with lust.

"Ma...te" He knocked on the door and I flinched. "O- - open..." He whimpered. "Hu- - hurts..." My heart broke, he was in so much pain and my inner Omega just wanted to open the door and be with him. "Please..." and the next thing I knew I was being thrown on the bed, being pinned down by an Alpha who drooled in hunger. "Mine." My inner Omega whimpered, wanting to be dominated by the Alpha above me.

He smashed his lips onto mine, kissing me roughly, I felt like I was getting eaten whole. He didn't stop no matter how much I tried to push him away. I was getting dizzy as I felt like I was running out of air. His hands ripping my clothes up, exposing my chest. Then I felt his fingers going up my neck to my scent blockers, yanking them off.


I let out a moan and he groaned, finally pulling away. He started attacking my neck next, biting and sucking, leaving bruises and marks everywhere his lips touched. His hands started wandering my whole body, removing the only clothes I had on.


I moaned again. I pulled on his hair to stop him for a second, letting him think for the last time before anything happened. I couldn't clearly see his face but I knew he was drunk with my pheromones and couldn't think clearly anymore. I felt guilty and wanted to cry, I needed to stop him but then he cupped my left cheek with his rough yet warm hand that just made me melt. Then he kissed my cheek ever so gently like I was the most precious thing that he ever held.

"Mine." He kissed me on my forehead.

"Mine" He kissed my nose

"Mine." He kissed my left cheek.

"Mine" He kissed my right cheek.

"My Omega." He kissed my lips but it was different. It was pleasant, full of passion and love.

Atsumu: "And then ya marked me." He told his fiance who just listened to him while they cuddled on the couch.

Kiyoomi: "I can't believe I can't remember anything!" He groaned and the fake blonde smirked.

Atsumu: "It's yer lost." He looked at him. "It was sooo hot and intense~" He teased and the ravenette was just staring with his mouth just slightly open. Then he pulled Kiyoomi closer, leaning up to his ear. "Ngh~ It felt so good~" He felt his finance's body stiffened (and some other part) He knew what he was doing, he knew how the latter was holding himself back until their wedding night.

Kiyoomi: "You're on very thin ice, Atsu." He growled lowly and it turned the fake blonde on and it made him want to tease the other more. He stood up and went behind the couch.

Atsumu: "What cha gonna do, Omi?~" He whispered from behind him. "Ya gonna spank me, Daddy~" And there, Kiyoomi's last thread of sanity snapped.

Kiyoomi: "Atsumu!" But the fake blonde was already running away, laughing. "Get back here!" He started chasing.

Atsumu: "Oh sh*t!" The latter finally caught him. "Omi, no!" But the ravenette ignored him and continued carrying him to the bedroom.

Kiyoomi: "Omi, yes!" He spanked Atsumu's butt.


Atsumu: "OMI!" But he was already pinned on the bed.

Kiyoomi: "Your fault, Queen bee~" He started leaning down to the fake blonde's lips.

"MAMA! PAPA! We're home!" They heard from downstairs.

Kiyoomi: "D*MN IT!" He cursed into the pillow and Atsumu was just laughing. Then they heard knocking and banging on the bedroom's door and they knew it was the kids, Atsumu was about to get up and opened it but his finance pulled him, suddenly kissing him so roughly that just took his breath away (literally) and when he pulled away, the fake blonde panted. Kiyoomi leaned down to his ear, pulling his bleach blonde locks a little. "You better be prepared for our wedding night." He growled a little and it made Atsumu's knees weak and his heart skipped a beat like 5 years ago. Kiyoomi smirked at the flustered man in front of him.

Atsumu: "Stupid, Omi!" He buried his face in his hands but the latter was already by the door, greeting their kids.





I wonder what I'll do next...

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