Age of the machines part 2

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The group stand their ground as Optimus prime comes down from the ark bridge and comes to arcee

Optimus: I am glad that you are safe

Arcee: as am I prime

Tembo snorts as Optimus notices him

Tembo: and who pray tell are you?

Optimus: I am Optimus prime. And these are my autobot Comrades

He looks to the autobots that come out of the ark

Optimus: my second in command, elita one

Elita: arcee!

Arcee: elita!

She rushes toward her giving her an enormous bear hug

Sawyer: clearly they have history

Optimus: grimlock, of the dinobots

Grimlock: grrr

Optimus: slag, battle officer

Slag: sir

Optimus: Swoop, aerial support

Swoop: wazzup?

Optimus: snarl, brawn

Snarl: hello

Optimus: and sludge. The female combat officer

Sludge: nice place ya got here

Optimus: gentle but fierce bulkhead

Bulkhead: (prime design) who's ready to rumble?

Optimus: scout, bumblebee

Bumblebee: (prime design) [buzzing noises]

Optimus: our medical officer red alert

Red alert: (animated design) hmm, the damage may be repairable but it may take a bit of time

Optimus: slick and smooth sideswipe

Sideswipe: (rotf design) appreciate the path

Optimus: twins skids and mudflap

Said characters (dotf design) trio over each other and fall

Said characters (dotf design) trio over each other and fall

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Mudflap: I screwed that up, I'm okay. I'm alright

Skids: this ain't time for jokin man!

Mudflap: total brains freeze man

Skids: what's wrong with you?!

He shoves him aside

Sawyer: (to Tembo) their brothers alright

Tembo nods

Optimus: and you already know your gruadroan arcee

Sawyer: okay so...few questions, one, what's with bumblebees voice?

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