Wasps, beetles and dinosaurs, oh my!

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Now wasn't the best time for relaxing. Right now there's as a huge battle between Arachnia, Scorpia and a herd of fully armored battle ready Torosaurus against an ambush of weaponized ankylosaurus and triceratops, the lead iguanoid atop his tyrannosaurus whom roars as it fires its photon lasers. Scorpia reverts to her breast mode and uses her stronger as a laser to fire at the lasers, and with the combined efforts of the Torosaurus, the weaponized dinosaurs all fled with the iguanoid leader hissing at them vowing revenge. The Torosaurus roar triumphantly stamping their feet to the ground as they retract their blasters

Arachnia: ugh. This is the third time this month. Ago and his gang are really persistent on getting the energems

Scorpia: yeah, on the bright side, it was quite a work out wasn't it?

Arachnia: yeah. But even still, just two Insectobots may not be enough the next time they show up

Scorpia: yeah, your right. We should talk to mechagodzilla about it

As they head off, one of the Torosaurus kicks some dirt revealing an egg capsule which rolls down the hill, hitting a stone cracking open allowing the card to fall on the grass and activate. The dinosaur was an ornithopod that looked a lot like Rocko. In fact, he looked almost exactly like him, except he lacked the large nose. He was mostly a tanish-white with a long blue mark going along his back that had little stripes going down across the tail, which had the tip completely blue, while up front it covered most of his head, leaving the mouth tanish-white, and the upper portion of the arms, both of which had thumb spikes, like Rocko. This dinosaur was an Iguanodon.

Upon hearing the roar, Arachnia turns to see the giant and is surprised

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Upon hearing the roar, Arachnia turns to see the giant and is surprised

Arachnia: hey, where'd that iguanodon come from?

Scorpia: must've been an activated Cardosaur or something

Arachnia looks to the opened capsule and concludes that she must've been right

Arachnia: well, we better get him back to base with us. If all detects him, they'll be after him for sure

The iguanodon tilts his head before following Arachnia and scorpia home
(Intro theme)
Cut to the Hazbin estate where everyone is being acquainted with their surprise guest

Chomp: long time no see big guy

Sawyer: you know him?

Paris: we met him in Australia. He seemed to grow attached to a member of the alpha gang for some reason

Upon hearing those words, the iguanodon thinks back to the day he met his friend. How he helped her find water in the desert, and how they grew a beautiful connection

 How he helped her find water in the desert, and how they grew a beautiful connection

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