Walking the dinosaur

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Everyone was gathered in the Harmony Estate, as the Dynosaurs tell the group around Topgaler

Tirano: TopGaler was a powerful Dy Osage back on Pangea

Burakio: TopGaler was created the way all Dynosaurs were. One night, a birth meteor slammed into the earth, warming the egg of the species Tapuxuara, and he emerged from the rubble in his almighty white and black glory

 One night, a birth meteor slammed into the earth, warming the egg of the species Tapuxuara, and he emerged from the rubble in his almighty white and black glory

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Burakio: he was strong, he was fearless, he always flew in when we need it to help us. But he always worked alone because he believed having help from others was a sign of weakness

Stegoslidon listens in and was concerned for the Dynosaur they were talking about. TopGaler sounded like he was lonely, and didn't know the meaning of teamwork and the thrill of helping others and the warm feeling that came from it. Stegoslidon then puffs out his chest and sneaks off while they weren't looking and heads off to find TopGaler's lair to try and reason with him
(Intro theme)
Stego travels for days looking for signs of TopGaler but in little avail, but he keeps searching. Finally he finds something that showed him he was on the right track. A rock that was sliced right down the middle, as if it was sliced off, and the cut marks proved it had to be a creature with very strong wings. TopGaler's wings. Stego them continues on his way
Meanwhile in Harmony Land, everyone was gathering as all the dinosaurs that lived there were traveling to Canterlot for their Annual Festival of the Dinosaurs

 Stego them continues on his way____Meanwhile in Harmony Land, everyone was gathering as all the dinosaurs that lived there were traveling to Canterlot for their Annual Festival of the Dinosaurs

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Even the D-Team, littlefoot and his friends and their families, Aladar and his herd were traveling alongside them

Chomp; so, what do you guys do in this Festival of the Dinosaurs?

Littlefoot: all sorts of things, we share stories about our worlds, when we meet all the friends we've made, all the adventures we've had

Ducky: and play games and eat yummy foods! Yep yep yep

Spike: mmhmm! Mmhmm!

Rocko; we'll I'm up for games! We oughta show em how to play soccer

Chomp: yeah, you bet Rocko, But I believe I was beating you back in Brazil.

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