The Dynosaur rampage

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It is night in Manehattan. The city was as busy and as buzzy as New York City. In a museum storage room, the security guard walks through the hall looking around the different dinosaur skeletons in storage. He then hears a loud roar and jumps in shock. He uses his horn as a flashlight and looks to the T. rex skeleton and sighs in relief. Suddenly, the wall in front of him bursts apart, the guard shouts in fear as a giant green robotic Tyrannosaurus rex reveals itself in front of him

 Suddenly, the wall in front of him bursts apart, the guard shouts in fear as a giant green robotic Tyrannosaurus rex reveals itself in front of him

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The guard faints on the spot the moment the green giant snarls viciously. The beast then roars in primal fury and heads off.

We then cut to a large skyscraper where several ponies are having dinner in a large return t like setting. In one of the ponies glasses is the reflection of a large green pteranodon. Then from the window behind them the glass bursts apart as a massive green pteranodon screeches forcing everyone to leave, the giant robotic pterosaur pecking everything in the setting with its massive beak

 Then from the window behind them the glass bursts apart as a massive green pteranodon screeches forcing everyone to leave, the giant robotic pterosaur pecking everything in the setting with its massive beak

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The giant pterosaur then leaps off the building and soars off. We then cut to a massive subway where several ponies with suitcases wait for their train to arrive. They then hear a loud sound as they see what looked to be the trains light coming to them. They watch closely as the lights came closer and closer, until revealing to be the eyes of a massive green robotic triceratops charging toward them

The ponies all scream as the massive ceratopsian comes to a halt using its massive horns to tear the waiting doc to pieces, forcing everyone to stampeded out of the subway

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The ponies all scream as the massive ceratopsian comes to a halt using its massive horns to tear the waiting doc to pieces, forcing everyone to stampeded out of the subway. The giant ceratopsian chases after them to make it above ground, as it and the other green dinosaurs terrorize the streets roaring and snarling like primal savages. The green tyrannosaurus then roars to the heavens, lightning crashing behind it as its eyes glow a wicked yellow
(Intro theme)
We open in the green valley outside ponyville. The whole town and the citizens of Harmony Land were looking up to the sky waiting for Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts to come for their annual Wonderbolt air show. Earl and his family were there too, consisting of his supporting wife Fran, their eldest son Robbie, their insecure daughter Charlene, his pain in the tail mother in law ethyl, and their youngest son, simply named baby. Right now everyone was looking to the sky was Earl was setting up his new barbecue grill with a steak on it

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