The "evolved" Cardosaurs

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It a calm day in Harmony Land. The group were all in the Harmony Estate observing the strange new dinosaur card that Ty had found

 The group were all in the Harmony Estate observing the strange new dinosaur card that Ty had found

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The dinosaur featured was definitely velociraptor. From the looks of it, They were covered completely in small, barely noticeable, almost fur-like feathers, except for the claws, feet, and face. They were mostly light brown, with white markings going all across the back like half rings, as well as white feathers near the feet and claws

Sawyer: so, these velociraptors are the only ones with a triangle move card?

Chomp: yep. and the main reason for that, is because they've been genetically modified by that no good piece of dirt Seth

Sarah: you mean, he modified their DNA?

Terry: yep. Even kept them in a tube and tortured them with constant electricity, and just stood there while they hollered out in agonizing pain

Littlefoot: that's awful!

Chomp: oh it was. Their moves are critical block and final fury, the former blocks out any move card that's about to be used, and the latter as a final blow when their partner is low on energy

Terry: their partnered up with a Saurophaganax we know, Seth kept experimenting on him until he could fully master his genetically created move card, Fire Scorcher

SpongeBob; that MONSTER! He's a monster!

Timon: why I oughta! Let me at em! Let me at em! Here, hold me back


Pumbaa then holds him by the tail

Timon: let me at em! Let me at em!

Pumbaa: okay!

Pumbaa then let's go

Timon: I think ya missing the basic point here

Pumbaa: oh

Sawyer: well don't worry, Victor, Veloci, and Vincent here will he happy to live a happy life here in Equestria. But first we should find their partner dinosaur. What does this Saurophaganax look like?

Paris: how can we forget? Black in color, red back, yellow crests over his eyes, three fingered claws, and pointy spikes down his back

Danny: well, we better find this guy and see if we can talk to him

Sawyer: and we're gonna be the ones to do that
(Intro theme)
It was a quiet day out in Appleoosa. All the local ponies were doing their daily business, cattle wrangling, plant their apple orchards, and for some time, have had a good peace with the Buffalo tribe led by Chief Thunderhooves. However, two ponies who were looking after a herd of wild Aurochs were napping beside a campfire when a capsule falls from a tree branch above them and falls into it, bursting apart activating the cards within and revealing a massive beast

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