Crystal Empirical Chaos

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Deep within his lair in his mountain, TopGaler thinks to himself. It has been a long time since he came to Cantelrot and saved the dinosaurs from Ago's army. And he thought long and he's about Stegoslidon's words as they played on his head like a tape recorder. He looks out to his cavern to see the lightning storm outside.

Meanwhile, high in the frozen north, the freezing winds mixed with the lightning storm. Lightning struck a cliffside revealing a card capsule which rolled into the snowy banks. Another lighting bolt opens it up and activated it

The dinosaur was a three-horned ceratopsian like Chomp, only the horns above the eyes were curved so they were facing downwards instead of straight ahead. Its frill was more squared shaped with little bumps going all around it, two other bumps on the side of its mouth. It was light green, with dark green on its back. On its head were also yellowish stripes mixed with the green ones. This dinosaur was an Anchiceratops.

Once activated, it looked around and saw a shimmering light on the horizon and follows it______(Intro theme)______Cut to the Harmony Guardians as they are taking a train to visit twilights family in the Crystal Empire

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Once activated, it looked around and saw a shimmering light on the horizon and follows it
(Intro theme)
Cut to the Harmony Guardians as they are taking a train to visit twilights family in the Crystal Empire. They also invited their Dynosaur comrades as Burakio follows the train, the rest of the Dynosaurs on the hatches in his body

Danny: man. Our first visit to the Crystal Empire. I can't wait to see how beautiful it is in person

Twilight: oh don't you worry, it'll be amazing. I can't wait to introduce you to Shining Armor,  Cadence and little Flurry Heart

Sawyer: I can't wait to meet her mostly

Sid: I bet she's as cute and cuddly as you described T

Twilight: oh believe me, she is

Hanazuki: man. I always wanted to see a baby pony in person

Earl: we've had pony before

Rainbow dash: really?

Baby: all the time! Their YUMMY!

The group all shiver in disgust by that remark. Soon enough they make it to the Crystal Empire train station where they are greeted by twilight's older brother Shinning Armor

 Soon enough they make it to the Crystal Empire train station where they are greeted by twilight's older brother Shinning Armor

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