Canyon catastrophe

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We open in Ago's lair as ago is standing in front of all of his loyal followers, all from his and flamerampagiapiono's armies, Megatron and his decepticons,  the spectral dinosaurs and all the robosaurs iguanoids weaponized dinosaurs and captured mind controlled bakugan they had

Ago; my dear friends. I know we have had countless battles with the Equestrian Guardians, and have lost many battles. But I assure you, we will strike when they least expect it. But for now, we must wait. Soundwave's minicon, the loyal laserbeak, has recently discovered a stasis pod in an old canyon, where the strike class dragon, the Skrill, and the mutated Boulder class, the Screaming Death, reside. The spectralsaurs, Megatron and soundwave shall awaken the Decepticon summering within, and with him by our side, we will be stronger, and I assure you, decepticons are reasonably perfect for destruction and death
Meanwhile, in said canyon, an egg capsule lays dormant wedge in between two tree branches. But then a passing squirrel runs across it making it fall to the ground cracking open for two cards to land on the grass, causing them to activate.

The dinosaur was actually pretty small compared to all the others, only about the size of a human. It was an iguanodont like Iguano and Rocko, so it also had a thumb spike. While its lower half was tan like a lot of the other dinosaurs, its back was a lime-green mixed with yellow-green that made squares of like-green on its back from head to tail. This dinosaur was actually not too far from its original place of discovery. It was a Fukuisaurus.

______(Intro theme)______Open in the Harmony Estate

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(Intro theme)
Open in the Harmony Estate. Godzilla looking through the history books to learn more about this, Red Deceiver guru had informed them about when they had found him

Godzilla: Hmm

Mothra: anything Godzuki?

Godzilla: not much. All it says that this Red Deceiver was an ancient evil that brought about chaos and destruction, the representation of Lucifer himself. He was a tyrannical psychopath that brought carnage and destruction, and broadcasting his carnage just for all to cower in fear at the mere sight of him

Mothra: it sounds like...well

Godzilla: I know who your referring to. And there's no doubt, that this Red Deceiver was indeed him

Mothra: I'm sorry. I know you two were good friends as children

Godzilla: but the one who I called my friend perished centuries ago the day he betrayed our clan, wiping out the very guardians of our home. I only wished I could have reasoned with him, and saved them in time

Mothra: indeed

That's when they hear a loud whooshing sound. They then knew that sound very well. Cut to Optimus and Elita looking out the window to see the two streaks sweep across the sky

Elita: Megatron and starscream

Optimus: it would seem that they are looking for something. Something that could tip the balance of the war

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