The anciant race

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It as night time in Harmony land. All the creatures in the town were fast asleep, princess Luna looking over their dreams as she did every night. Timon and pumbaa slept like stones dreaming about eating all the non sentient bugs in the world, Sarah was sleeping in a rocking chair holding baby bachy in her arms dreaming about the day when she would grow up to be a strong Dynosaur. However in the titan palace, Godzilla was sound asleep when he moved his head left to right

In his head, he didn't have a dream, but images in his mind. He saw a strange white creature with black on his wings, and Ruby red eyes and a yellow crest, screeching loudly for the whole world to hear

 He saw a strange white creature with black on his wings, and Ruby red eyes and a yellow crest, screeching loudly for the whole world to hear

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Godzilla then woke up in startle breathing in surprise. Godzilla then  looks to mothra who rests by her side. The titan alpha then shakes it off and decides to go off on a midnight stroll

Godzilla liked the quiet in the world. It really gave him a chance to connect with the sounds of nature, and feeling the earth beneath his feet, and the breeze of the wind as it blows through his scales. The night sky ands it's countless supply of bright stars as Venus shines brightly as it is slightly closed to the moon this night. Godzilla squints exactly how bright Venus was and is surprised, as it was a day after Venus passes the moon, when a titan would awaken from hibernation
(Intro theme)
It is the next morning. All the creatures in Harmony Land are doing their daily routines as they all woke up starting the day the way they had done in their individual worlds as they always done it. In the palace, Drago is in the library looking at All the different books that were in it. Drago then eyes one individual book and takes it out with his left head and looks to see it. It was brown, and was very old, and it had a symbol that had Godzilla on the cover

Drago looks to below the cover to see where the name of the author was, and it surprised him, as it was the legendary Clover the Clever, the mentor of Starswirl the Bearded and one of the Six founders of Equestria

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Drago looks to below the cover to see where the name of the author was, and it surprised him, as it was the legendary Clover the Clever, the mentor of Starswirl the Bearded and one of the Six founders of Equestria. Drago first needed to catch himself up on this "Clover" character to which he did as he read every book about him he could get his wings on. And soon after what seemed to be 3 days he had finished the latest book on Clover the Clever and yawns

Drago: wow. I had no idea Clover the Clever was so influential during Eauestria's ancient history. Now it's off to this mystery book

Drago holds the book with Godzilla on it as he opens it up to see a note from Clover the Clever himself as he reads it aloud

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