Mythical mysteries

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There are several mysteries in the Everfree forest. Some of them are known, such as the Deer tribe that care for the forest, but there are still many unsolved mysteries. One of them being the ruins of a long lost city. A small capsule rolls down a hill from a cliffside and opens up to the rubble, activating the dinosaur and move card together

The dinosaur was a light purple, with the top of its back being a very dark purple and the legs being tan. On its back were plates like the ones from the serpent, colored dark purple and mixed with light purple and cyan. The plates went from tiny ones at the tip of its neck to the start of the tail. The tail had four purple spikes at the end. This dinosaur was the same species as Armatus. It was a Stegosaurus.

Once activated she shook her body to get rid of the sleepy feeling in her plates

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Once activated she shook her body to get rid of the sleepy feeling in her plates. She looks around and assumes that it was Columbia, where that cyborg psychopath convinced the locals that she was a monster. She then sees that there weren't any people around so she sighs in relief as she explores the ruined and the fascinating vegetation in it
(Intro theme)
Everyone was listening to to Aladar and Arcee about how they were able to find Torch the Saurophaganax and about how he and the velociraptor trio had defeated brontikens single handedly, or single Clawedly

Arcee: and then, they just fled with Brontilens card, just like that!

Danny: wow. Talk about theropod power huh? Boy even my T. rex form isn't that powerful

Sawyer: yeah, he is quite the fire element isn't it?

Terry: yeah, he's even stronger than me. Only he's able to use Fire Scorcher

Sawyer: well, he is surely going to be a powerful ally for the Harmony Guardians

And then at that moment, the detector computer blinked revealing a red dot deep within the Everfree Forest

Danny: another Cardosaur. And it's in the Everfree Forest

Terry: well, we better get going shouldn't we?


They look to see a torch and the raptors headed up to them

Torch: Victor, Veloci, Vincent and I have been speaking, and we've been speaking about our past, and we owe so much to you. If it weren't for you, we would've either been experimented on by Seth in the human world, or be abused like an animal

Victor: and to show our gratitude

Veloci: we decided to join you to find the rest of the scattered cards

Vincent: and take down anyone who tries to stop us from this point on

Terry: we'd be honored

Danny: ya know, we could do our own little theropod squad, me, Terry, coal, torch, the raptor trio, Bali, spiny

Spiny; yay! My own team!

Coal: finally, a chance to be on the field!

Bali: oh yeah, fire bomb is ready for action!

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