The fangs of panic

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In the outskirts of the volcanic badlands, hot springs bubbled and geysers steam up massive bursts of hot water and steam. In one of such geysers a capsule lays silent. Then it is blasted into the air and plummets into a puddle of lava. And when touching the cooler down magma, the card inside glowed red before growing into a massive theropod

The dinosaur was a theropod that was completely orange, with darker markings forming large spots going along its side. What was most obvious was the bright orange sail on its back with a light stripe going through it midway and barely noticeable barbs running across its darker top. While it could be mistaken, this one was not related to Spiny and Sushi. This dinosaur was an Acrocanthosaurus.

The Acrocanthosaurus gave out a roar before walking away smelling for food

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The Acrocanthosaurus gave out a roar before walking away smelling for food. She looks around and sees a plausible hunting ground in the distance. Hearing her stomach growl she takes the chance and heads off to hunt
(Intro theme)
Transition to the Harmony Guardians at the Winsome falls on a camping trip. The group are currently dancing to the music of a song performed by the creatures form the universe of friendly and musical monsters

Whirl: that's what I cal a jam. Hey, where's Optimus?

Elita: went on a scouting mission. Primes don't party

Whirl: (whistles) his loss

Arcee was quite the party bot when showing off her dance moves. Everybody was really impressed by it. However Ace stayed as far away from the water around them as possible

Danny: what's wrong ace? It's just water

Ace: yeah, but I'm just afraid of going in. Who knows what could be in it, or how deep it is

Sawyer: oh I feel ya. Cats and water don't really mix together either

She then looks to Arcee as the song repeats

Sawyer: wow A. That is some really nice dance work

Arcee: oh that? Well I wasn't really dancing I was just, moving my body to the music

Sawyer: that's the exact definition of Dancing. Ya know, o could teach ya a few dance moves of your interested

 Ya know, o could teach ya a few dance moves of your interested

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