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It was a dark and stormy night

It rained for almost ten days with small rest every few hours causing rising waters across the plains. At one part of the plains stood a nesting sight of a mated pair of theropods. The female was sitting next to her nest of almost 10 eggs with one of them rolling out of the nest with the small infant Inside preparing to hatch

 The female was sitting next to her nest of almost 10 eggs with one of them rolling out of the nest with the small infant Inside preparing to hatch

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The egg started squirming like crazy with the tail of the mother right beside it as another small dinosaur comes up to the nest. It was slimily build with long legs and three fingered hands. It had a long neck and a beak for cracking even eggs open. It was a struthiomimus and it was hungry for the egg

The ornithopod leapt in and snatches the egg and prepares to flee but the female snatches the struthiomimus into the air strangling the life out of it as the latter accidentally drops the egg into a nearby stream made possible by the storm as it i...

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The ornithopod leapt in and snatches the egg and prepares to flee but the female snatches the struthiomimus into the air strangling the life out of it as the latter accidentally drops the egg into a nearby stream made possible by the storm as it is swept downriver and over a small waterfall and through a large metal wall through a hole that allowed flowing water into the territory inside. The egg is then washed onto the short of a local watering hole where the water met a small forest

This was harmony land

And it would have some unexpected surprises in the morning

(Intro theme)

We cut to the next morning where we see littlefoot and his friends along with Tembo jr who was looking for new bugs to befriend as they have breakfast although the leaves were a bit wet from the storm last night

Jr: man. Thank goodness the storms finally passed. I thought they'd never end

Petrie: well, me might like saltwater if it not so wet!

A water droplet off a leaf falls on his forehead

Littlefoot: well Petrie, the bright circle is out now. So it'll dry everything up. Right cera?

Cera: it better littlefoot. My tree-stars are soggy

This takes place a few months after meeting the autobots and the gang started showing growing up. Littlefoot and chomper started getting a bit bigger with littlefoot almost as big as a glyptodon.

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