A Fiery Reunion

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A Pegasus camera group flies over ponyville which is currently covered in geysers of volcanic fire and molten lava. It switched to the main Pegasus news reporter as she speaks into the camera

Reporter: This is not a prime-time drama, folks. This is reality television we've got right here. We're flying high over a dinosaur battle, that's right dinosaurs, and the city is up in flames. We'll bring you the latest news as it unfolds for as long as possible. And It looks like more dinosaurs have joined the battle. I've received confirmation from our experts that it's a Tyrannosaurus, Saltasaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Utahraptor, Triceratops, and more against a giant, fire-breathing Acrocanthosaurus in what looks like a huge, dinosaur-sized, free for all. This is the story of the Millennium, and I'll be bringing you all of the explosive news as it happens
(Intro theme)
So, you're probably all wondering how this all started. Well, it began six hours ago at Ago's lair. The titan shows off his fresh new invention to frill neck, Spermy, Megatron and the spectral dinosaurs

Ago: my, acquaintances, it is my honor to present to you, the ultra controller

He reveals it in the form of a cross between a stabler and a copy machine shaped like Ago's mouth

Ago: apologize for my face being on it. I'm just very proud of it. This contraption will help us with the shrinking army as of late. Observe

He takes out the Acrocanthosaurus card and inserts it into the ultra controller. There was a bright light as the controller lowered itself onto the card and was activated. After a few seconds the light died down and Ago grabbed the card from the controller

Ago: behold. The Alpha Acrocanthosaurus

He then showed them the new Acrocanthosaurus. The main difference was that it had a bright pink color as opposed to the orange from before.

 The main difference was that it had a bright pink color as opposed to the orange from before

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Maximus: Well, the color is nice

Ago: I sure think so. This Acrocanthosaurus is now going to be insanely powerful. And when you activate it, this dinosaur will be under your complete control

Brontikens: and with its power, we can not only get the energems, but force them to give us all the dinsoaur cards robosaurs and bakugan they stole from us

Megatron growls as he clenched a fist

Megatron: and with Optimus now having a primal form. It'll be hard for him to control it. The lack of energon will force him to completely lose control of it

Ago: and that's where, the King Dimetro comes in

On cue, came said Robosaur in question

On cue, came said Robosaur in question

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