Triple trouble

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In the city of Manehattan, the ponies were preparing for a grand festival celebrating the Defeat of Ago during his attack on Cantelrot. Ponies came from miles around to help pitch in the festivities. However they didn't realize that on one of the crates of plants for the Biollante statue was a small capsule. When the crate was dropped the capsule fell out and opened up on the grass, the two cards inside fusing together into a massive Dinosaur

It was an ornithopod, but lacking a duckbill so it wasn't a hadrosaur, instead being a type from the iguanodont group. It had a gray body, with grayish-green spots all over. On both of its arms were spikes where the thumbs would be. But the main feature was a large, yellow nose. This dinosaur was an Altirhinus.

The ponies all shout and yell in fright as the Altirhinus looks to see round objects that were meant to be the by titan statues eyes

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The ponies all shout and yell in fright as the Altirhinus looks to see round objects that were meant to be the by titan statues eyes. He rolls one of them like a soccer ball and really enjoyed it. He then hits it with his tail into a large bush and he roars scoring a goal.

But then suddenly, out of nowhere, a trio of weaponized triceratops and a quartet of weaponized Monoclonius reveal themselves as the iguanoids atop of them getting out while and rope the ornithopod by the neck. The Altirhinus roars as it tries to escape, but the iguanoids strap a mind control collar around his neck as his eyes glow red, indicating he was completely under their control
(Intro theme)
In the Harmony Estate, the group gather around to see Sawyer bring home an egg capsule

Choml: where did you find that?

Sawyer: I found it after we got back from checking on Aladar and his herd yesterday

She opens it up to reveal a card with a huge, light blue sauropod on it crushing a dinosaur beneath its large feet.

Paris: Seismosaurus big foot assault

Danny; so it's yours?

Paris: yeah, we found that card when we went to New York. It was inside a huge chunk of amber found in the stomach of a Seismosaurus skeleton Ace's partners adopted father found

Sawyer: well old Gertie here will certainly make a nice addition to the D-Team wouldn't you agree guys?

Sarah: your naming her Gertie?

Sawyer: an homage to the star of the first dinosaur movie ever made by Hollywood

Danny: clever

That's when their alarm sounded. They all head into Mechagodzilla's lab as they look to see the streets of Manehattan under attack by a quintet of Sarchobot, a quartet of Pachybots and weaponized ankylosaurus and Kentrosaurus

 They all head into Mechagodzilla's lab as they look to see the streets of Manehattan under attack by a quintet of Sarchobot, a quartet of Pachybots and weaponized ankylosaurus and Kentrosaurus

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